This was one of our assigned parts for the report!

Throughout the various lab-related requirements for this course, I was able to further develop my skills with regards to communication and collaboration. This is because I made sure to be more active in groupworks, as well as more open to asking for help from my groupmates if ever such is needed. For example, in the first HLA (Home Lab Activity) of this course, which involved the preparation of kimchi, my groupmate and I worked together to finish our assigned part for the report, and we also consulted the other members of our group whenever we had any questions. Doing these were very helpful, as I was no longer as shy or hesitant as I was in the previous year, and doing such also allowed us to be more productive in our assigned tasks.

Along with those, I was also able to practice patience throughout the lab-related tasks for the course. For instance, in the second lab activity, which involved the use of the PhET simulation, my groupmate and I initially had a hard time testing our chosen gas laws. This is because we did not really have prior hands-on exposure to the simulation software, and we were unsure of how to adjust specific variables, while keeping another variable constant. However, we did not give up, but rather, remain determined to figure out how to conduct the experiment. Doing so paid off later on, as we were able to find out which buttons or options should be selected, in order to properly test the three gas laws we chose for the experiment.

Images of Avogadro's Law being tested

Personally, I think that being able to live out these skills and attitudes make me a “proud chemist in the making,” as such can help me perform better in other groupworks or projects both inside and outside of this course. An example of these groupworks or projects would be one of the major assessments of the course, which was a timeline displaying the development of Atomic Theory. Such can be said, because practicing skills in communication and collaboration, as well as exhibiting patience allowed my groupmates and I to work more efficiently in the aforementioned major assessments. To add to those, I am also proud of the qualities I exhibited, as living out such allowed my classmates and I to further connect with one another.

Major Assessment 1: Atomic Theory Timeline