Throughout my time in General Physics 2, one of the topics I studied on was fluids. This was a rather interesting topic for me, as learning about such did not go the way that I had expected. Going into further detail, such can be said as I initially believed that the concepts related to fluids would only be exclusively for matter that is in a liquid state. However, this was a misconception about fluids, as the concept is actually also applicable to gases, as fluids refer to substances wherein atoms or molecules are free to move past one another.

Having said that, that particular module taught me about various other concepts such as buoyancy, Archimedes’ Principle, Pascal’s Principle, and many others. To add to that, I was also able to see how fluids are applied in real-life contexts, through hydraulic lifts, and how airplanes fly through Bernoulli’s Principle.

Here are some items from FAREM 4 that need focus and attention to detail to answer!

Moving on to other new learnings I had from the course, this would be the importance of focus, and paying great attention to detail in my tasks. Doing all of these is integral especially when it comes to solving word problems, or problems in assessments wherein we are provided with a specific case. This is because focusing and exhibiting attention to detail will allow us to properly identify what values or variables are being looked for. Furthermore, it is through those two that we can also make sure to plug in the correct given values when we are solving for the unknown, later on in the problem.

In other words, I believe that my time in this course has allowed me to learn or improve on essential skills that can help me in the future even outside of the course, as well as see how Physics is applied more often than I think.