The video attached above is a compilation of clips from the 2007 television (TV) show entitled, “iCarly.” In this compilation, various clips revolving around Spencer, one of the show’s characters, starting fires or setting things on fire are shown. Throughout the video, it can be observed that many of the scenes wherein a fire starts are rather unrealistic, exaggerated, or displaying an erroneous application of Chemistry. Some examples of these scenes would be those in the timestamps of 0:51, 1:32, 3:20, and 6:04.

In order to further understand how these particular scenes are unrealistic or erroneous, it must first be noted that fire is an indicator of heat, which comes as a result of combustion. Combustion is a type of chemical reaction that occurs when at least two substances are allowed to react with one another, and the resulting reaction is exothermic. To add to that, in order for combustion to occur, oxygen (O2) must also be one of the reactants, and the products should involve carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O). With regards to fire themselves, these are formed upon the presence of fuel, oxygen, and a heat source reacting with one another (smokeybear.com, 2021).

Going back to the aforementioned scenes in the attached video, it can be said that such displays erroneous applications of chemistry, as the fires occur out of nowhere, and not due to Spencer allowing two objects to react with one another, or adding fuel to such. To be more specific, in the scene at 1:32, Spencer was just drumming, then one of the cymbals of the drum kit caught fire. This can also be observed in the scenes at 0:51 and 6:04, as the bell immediately caught fire without the use of any fuel or reactant, while the camera-squirrel artwork caught fire after being held. Moreover, these scenes exhibit erroneous Chemistry concepts as the objects that caught fire are also not really flammable in nature.

Having said these, I believe that it is integral to take note of the process as to how combustion and fires occur, as doing so will allow us to keep safe from unnecessary accidents. Along with that, through knowing about the essential materials needed to start a fire, we also be able to understand that the events depicted in the aforementioned scenes are unrealistic, and exaggerated for comedic effect.