One item from the course that I am really proud of answering would be the last item in Formative 9.1, which was about intermolecular forces of attraction (IMFA). Going into further detail, the last question provided us with seven different compounds or particles, and asked us to identify all the possible combinations within those seven that can form a dipole-dipole bond, or ion-dipole bond. Personally, being able to answer this particular item is a really significant achievement for me in this course, as I had quite a difficult time understanding the concept of IMFA, when it was first discussed in class. This is mainly because I would get confused at times when it comes to differentiating the various forces of attraction, as well as determining the forces of attraction present in a particular bond.

Having noticed this, however, I made sure to go over the given materials once more, and really take the time to process what is being discussed. To be more specific, I would rewatch the videos posted in the Google Classroom, reread the slide presentations or supplementary materials, as well as search for videos on YouTube, so that I can further practice my skills in the current topic.

Along with all those, I also approached other people with regards to the overall topic. Going into further detail, I consulted my General Chemistry teacher about IMFA and the aforementioned item in Formative 9.1 itself, as I wished for a more in-depth explanation regarding such. Doing all these were very helpful for me, as I was able to understand the topic even more, apply my knowledge in the formative given to us, and be able to pass such on time.

Later on in the quarter, Formative 9.1 was eventually returned to us, and I found out that I answered the last item correctly, while getting a perfect in the whole formative as well. This made the last item of Formative 9.1 all the more significant, since it showed me that effort and being less hesitant to approach others really does help.