
For this quarter, one of the most essential things that I believe will help me in this quarter would be my periodic table. Since I am currently taking a Chemistry course, having a periodic table is very essential and integral to working more efficiently in the various requirements of the course. This is because the periodic table displays all the elements, and allows one to see their respective characteristics easily. Going into further detail, there are numerous trends that can be observed in the periodic table, which can help one determine how many electrons should a particular element gain or lose to reach a full octet, or if a specific element is a metal, nonmetal, or a metalloid.

For the second item that I think will be essential, it would be a scientific calculator. This is one of the most integral items needed to make it through General Chemistry 2, as the topics included in such a course involve various mathematical concepts. An example of these types of topics would be Stoichiometry and Thermochemistry. However, through the use of my scientific calculator, I am able to solve various problems involving decimals and very large numbers immediately. The advantages or importance of having a scientific calculator in hand do not end there, as such a device also helps me spend less time when it comes to answering assessments or tasks for the course that are very heavy in problem-solving.

Along with a periodic table and scientific calculator, the third item that I believe is essential in this course would be my smartphone. Although one may argue that phones are a big distraction for students, I believe that my phone can allow me to perform better in this quarter. Going into further detail, when used responsibly, phones allow us to connect or communicate with other people such as our classmates, if ever we may need help in understanding a homework given to us. Along with that, if ever we feel burnt out or tired from studying or doing something of the like, our phones can serve as a means of relaxing and “recharging” in a way. This is because we can use such to watch videos on YouTube, take a short break to play a game, or listen to music. However, despite the various advantages of a phone, it is also integral to remember that these can also become detrimental to us if we forget our priorities, get distracted, and begin to spend too much unnecessary time on such.

Fun Fact: When I feel tired or stress, one of the artists I listen to would be TWICE :>