At the start of the second term, I was really nervous about the General Physics 1. Although I had already been exposed to Physics back when I was in Grade 10, I felt this way as I was unsure if I would be able to perform well in this course, due to the presence of numerous mathematic concepts in such. For instance, in some of the first few topics of the course such as Uniformly Accelerated Motion (UAM), I would often get confused or suddenly lost in some of the word problems being presented to us. This was mostly due my lack of confidence in my capabilities. Even though I understood the concepts and topics being discussed in the course, there would be times wherein I would let my fear or self-doubt get the best of me, to the point that I would get a mental-block and become unable to have a good output.

Upon noticing these, however, I made sure to work on my overall confidence. In order to accomplish this, I did my best to always remain calm whenever I encountered challenges in the course. Some examples of those would be difficult items for the exercises or the FAREMs (Formative Assessment Required for Exemplary Mark). Along with that, I also made sure to trust myself more, and believe in my capabilities. Going into further detail, I constantly reminded myself that I should stop overthinking or worrying too much about a test, as I have studied for such, and I understand the topic.

Doing these, as well as many other simple acts were very helpful to me, as I was able to approach the different requirements in this course with a self-assured attitude. For instance, when we were tasked with our third FAREM for the course, some of the items were very challenging, and such required one to really understand what the word problem is asking for. Fortunately though, through having a more composed demeanor while answering the formative, I was able to solve the given problems more efficiently, while getting correct in all of those.