In this particular bar chart provided to us through the Meralco app, it can be noted that my household’s electric consumption is measured every month. This particular quantity is measured in kWh or kilowatt-hours, and this determines the amount of energy that is used by our appliances in an hour. To add even further, based on the graph of our monthly electric consumption, it can be observed that my family and I consumed an average of 206 kWh per month, from April 2021 to April 2022.

Please refer to the chart on the right -->

Looking at the chart once more, it can be noted that January 2022 has the least amount of electric consumption, with this being 152 kWh. My family’s electric consumption is at the lowest during this month, as it was just after the Christmas or holiday season. This means that the weather was still relatively cold, and this allowed us to not use our aircon that much anymore, on a daily basis.

<-- Please refer to the chart on the left

With regards to the month with the highest electric consumption, it would be May 2021, with a total usage of 286 kWh. This is the case as it was in this month that summer had already started, and the environment was relatively hotter than usual. Because of that, my family and I would use numerous appliances such as electric fans or our aircon more frequently, as a way to cope with the increasing temperatures.

Please refer to the chart on the right -->

Some of the ways as to how my family and I can reduce electrical consumption would be through making sure to turn off appliances when they are not in use. Although this sounds simple, making sure to unplug the electric fan when leaving the room, or even closing the lights when going somewhere else can significantly reduce our electric consumption per month, if done on a daily basis. Furthermore, this is also very important especially in the context of online classes, where the use of various gadgets such as a laptop occurs. In other words, through my family and I being more mindful of the simple things that consume electricity, we can also ensure that our bill does not go unnecessarily high due to the negligence in electric consumption.

Moreover, one possible slogan that could be used to promote proper electricity use would be, “Turn off that light! Saving electricity helps everyone in the vicinity.” This simple slogan can be effective as it reminds people that reducing their electric consumption through simple acts such as turning off their lights can be very beneficial to those around them, such as their family members. This is because they will also be reminded to be more mindful of electricity use, and the electric bill that one may need to pay will not be as expensive. Along with this, through many people conserving electricity, the amount of power plant emissions, which can be harmful to our environment, can be reduced to some extent.