At the start of the course this term, I was initially someone who constantly wanted to finish as much assigned tasks as possible. To be more specific, if our class was assigned with a homework or project, I would immediately set a deadline for myself, and plan out a schedule so that I can accomplish the given task as soon as I could. I would also work really hard while doing the tasks assigned to me, because I want to ensure that I am able to give my best in such. Although this habit of mine is not necessarily a bad thing, it reached a point wherein I would begin to lose sleep and overwork myself, as I got so caught up in trying to finish all the things I had to do. These actions then took a major toll on my health, as I would feel very tired, sleepy, or burnt out more often.

However, having noticed this, I made sure to take action and address what was happening to me, especially as the number of tasks being given to us were increasing. Going into further detail, I made sure to take breaks when I would feel tired, instead of pushing myself to complete the requirements or finish the module. This is so that I can have some time to “recharge” and take a pause from all that I have been doing. Fortunately, doing so really helped me, since I would feel energized after the short break, and I would not take as much time as I did before when it comes to accomplishing the requirements or absorbing the topics being discussed.

Furthermore, this new habit paid off in other requirements of the course such as the first FAREM (Formative Assessment Required for Exemplary Mark). This is because taking some time to rest every once in a while, helped me no longer feel a mental block when it came to writing about the importance of gases. Along with that, when the assessment was eventually returned to me, I saw that I got an E or exemplary mark for such.