One topic that I found easy to understand in this particular course would be moment of a force or torque. This is mainly due to my previous experiences with such a topic in Grade 10, my interest for the topic in general, and the habits that I have developed over my time as a senior. To explain this even further, I would make sure to utilize Google, as well as my notes from both this quarter and Grade 10, in order to fully understand the topic itself. Along with that, as I learned that self-discipline is integral in getting tasks done ahead of time, I made sure to not let myself get distracted by Netflix, social media, or games when I was studying moments. This then allowed me to be more efficient while I was studying.

With regards to the importance of learning this topic, I believe that knowing more about moments and torque will help us understand that there are various variables or factors that should be taken note of in our tasks, such as when we are turning the steering wheel when practicing how to drive or make a U-turn, and when we want to loosen a bolt using a wrench. Going into further detail, we should make sure that we are holding or applying a force at the right point of those objects, as to ensure that the object will turn and our task will be completed. To add to that, as previously mentioned in the entry entitled, “Physics in Everyday Life” reading on moments or torque will allows us to see just how present that concept is in our lives.

Furthermore, the concept of moment or torque can also be helpful outside the context of Physics, as this reminds us that in order for things to “turn” or go the way we want, we have to apply the right amount of “force” at a “certain point.” Going into further detail, the “forces” we should apply refer to working on something, while the “certain point” refers to a specific area of improvement that we have. Having said this, it is integral for us to take the effort to work on ourselves and improve, for us to reach the results we want. For example, if we want to be less drained and sleep-deprived, we have to make an effort to improve our sleep schedule and not stay up too late at night due to unnecessary activities such as video games.

One topic that I found quite difficult would be circuits, specifically series and parallel circuits. This is due to such a topic involving various concepts, equations, as well as calculations that had to be done in order to solve for specific values. Due to such circumstances, I did not immediately understand the topic, and I found it to be confusing for the most part.

Moving on to how I was able to overcome these difficulties, I made sure to really allot more time to study the lesson, as well as remain patient while doing so. This is because if I were to constantly rush myself when studying because my mindset is “para tapos na [just so it’s done],” I would not be able to truly understand the lesson, or apply such in the assessments. Along with that, I would actually be taking more time to study if I kept rushing myself, because I would not understand topic, and just read the materials over and over again, which will make me feel frustrated.

To add even further, through reaching out and asking others for help regarding circuits, I was also able to understand what to do when solving problems involving circuits, especially those that are complex. In other words, these actions further strengthened my belief that it is alright to approach others if ever I may need help, as it is through doing so that I may study more efficiently, and the person I asked may also recall how to apply the concepts from the topic.