Software Downloads

Note (4/28/2024): The CSI software is not longer being updated. If it does not work on your system, we currently have no ability to help you. 

Note (6/01/2017): CSI software is available again in English, Spanish and French! The RCPT software will need to stay under revision a little while longer.

Cluttering Severity Instrument (Bakker and Myers, 2011) 

reissued June 2017

Note: software is available in English and Spanish, and French. A Portuguese version is in preparation.

The software page for the Cluttering Severity Instrument (CSI) may be found here.


Real-time Continuous Perceptual tracking (RCPT) 

Temporarily not available due to maintenance.

(Bakker and Myers, 2014). This new approach to cluttering severity assessment is designed for convenient use in typical treatment sessions. It was recently discussed at the 2nd World Conference on Cluttering, Eindhoven, The Netherlands. The RCPT software will initially be available in English and French.