Executive Committee

Executive Committee of the ICA


Susanne Cook, Ph.D. (USA) 

Chair of the Executive Committee of the ICASpeech-Language PathologistCertified stuttering therapist (ivs)
Email: icacluttering@gmail.com


Rutger Wilhelm (The Netherlands)

Chair-Elect of the Executive Committee of the ICA Person who clutters, Author of the book "Too fast for words"
Email: clutteringspeech@outlook.com


Dr. hab. prof. Katarzyna Węsierska (Poland) 

Secretary and Newsletter EditorAssistant Professor at the University of Silesia in Poland 
Email: katarzyna.wesierska@us.edu.pl


Ana Karina Espinoza Peña  (Chile)

Treasurer of the ICA Fonoaudióloga y Directora Fluir+ Abordaje Clínico de la Tartamudez
Email: anakarina.espinoza@gmail.com