Mission of the ICA
Revised Mission Statement (January 5, 2015)
Our primary mission is to increase awareness and understanding of cluttering, and to improve treatment and quality of life for people who clutter.
This mission is addressed through the following objectives:
Facilitating connections among investigators, clinicians, and consumers in the area of cluttering. Maintaining an effective website with international visibility. This website is intended to provide a wide variety of resources for clinicians, researchers in the area of cluttering, those who clutter, their families and the general public.
Resources will be translated into as many languages as our capacities allow
Sponsoring or participating in national and international conferences to present clinical and research findings, as well as events highlighting consumer perspectives.
Developing strategies to cover operating expenses, such as through donations, dues or sponsorships. Funds may be used for expenses such as:
Research funding
Advocacy/representation of the interests of people with the communication disorder of cluttering.
Continued development of the organization, such as website management and development of materials for increasing awareness of the communication disorder of cluttering.