
November Bond Measure information

yes on the bond! - here is why

For more detailed information visit: November Bond Measure

As we approach the November Election, IC3S has had an opportunity to reflect on the past 3 years and the processes leading up to this proposed $4M November Bond Measure. Through this multi-year process, with disagreements and resolutions, we are hopeful in our belief that the voting community has reached a point of transition. IC3S agrees that supporting the proposed GO Bond by underscoring the information from the District is the necessary next step in promoting and supporting our students, staff and school.

As you vote on Ballot Measure 26-220, we hope these facts and considerations are helpful for you:

Why vote Yes on a $4M Bond now?

  1. The Corbett School District & Board of Directors are upholding their commitments.

The Corbett School District and Board of Directors are on track for the course they outlined in Spring 2020. With District and Board leadership and insight from the Visions and Values Committee, they have:

    • Engaged the community in a collaborative process to build a covenant of trust,

    • Secured a way to relocate middle school students and the district office to a safer building and decommission the old middle school building,

    • Maintained high academic standards, while diversifying academic offerings at the high school level by increasing CTE program offerings,

    • Reduced the number of AP courses required to graduate,

    • Committed to a trajectory to slowly lower the student population to the agreed range of 1,000 - 1,050 students.

    • Committed to address maintenance, Title IX (gender equity) and ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) deficiencies, and safety issues in the high-school and elementary school.

  1. Our voting community can uphold their commitments and support essential services.

From the onset of these community dialogues, processes and agreements with the District and Board, the question was - will our voters uphold their end? We have an opportunity to say “Yes”. Support the District and Board in their strong commitment to sustaining the safest and richest educational experiences for all students of the Corbett School District. We believe this to be an essential long-term investment for all of us.

  1. Financially - this is an opportune moment for the District & taxpayers.

Financially speaking - this is an opportune moment for the District, the property taxpayers and school community. With this $4M bond, property owners will pay $1.02 (or estimated) per $1,000 of assessed property value annually. This is less than the average $2.58 per $1,000 of assessed value District taxpayers paid annually over the life of the previous 1994 Grade School Bond. And, the District has secured a $3.8784 million-dollar matching grant IF the bond is passed. This matching grant opportunity is not guaranteed in future elections because it is based on a lottery system with the State of Oregon. While taxpayers will pay a lower rate, the District has the chance to nearly double the bond amount secured through these matching funds. These additional funds will aid the District in staying on track, securing a safer building for students and staff and continue offering excellent educational opportunities for all students.

  1. If this feels like really poor timing, consider taking a second look.

While this may seem like poor timing to go out for a bond, asking taxpayers to pay higher rates amidst the economic recession and hardships resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, consider that voting “Yes” on this bond allows the District to better stay on track with their commitments to the community through greater financial security in these uncertain times. The matching grant from the State in effect lowers the taxpayers’ rate per $1,000. We don’t want to react out of fear while also considering there may not be a “next time” for matching grant funding. This bond will allow the District to take the necessary steps to relocate middle school students, the District office and address significant maintenance items. Some of these include the roof on the grade school building, seismic upgrades, Title IX and ADA compliance.

  1. Prioritize Safety and Vision for the long-term success of our Students and Teachers.

Let’s discover solidarity together in securing a safe and enhanced educational experience for our children and dedicated Corbett School District staff. This is an important and necessary next step to ensure long term planning, stability and safety for our District’s school community.

Thank you in advance for your consideration.