Memorandum of Understanding

Memorandum of Understanding

This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is entered into by and between:

Independent Citizens for Sustainable School Solutions (IC3S)


The Corbett School District/Corbett School District Board of Directors

Purpose. The purpose of this MOU is to create clear Roles and Responsibilities between the parties involved for completing the Statement of Work which was approved and entered into by CSD and IC3S with Rob Saxton, Independent Contractor on September 20, 2018. It is believed that this MOU will enhance, expedite and streamline the completion of the project and benefit the quality and timeliness of the Contractors work by its due date.

A. Corbett School District/Board and IC3S Relationship Defined.

IC3S is an independent citizens group whom the Board agreed will be the sole and voluntary Project Manager of this Statement of Work which will be performed by Rob Saxton. The District has hired Rob Saxton to complete the Statement of Work and to report and make recommendations to the Board. The Board voted in favor of this Statement of Work and arrangement with full knowledge that IC3S is an independent citizens group with the intention of establishing and maintaining the independence and integrity of the review and reporting process. IC3S will follow all public meeting laws when performing responsibilities as the Project Managers for Rob Saxton’s contract and statement of work with Corbett School District.

B. Roles and Responsibilities.


The responsibilities of the Contract Manager :

■ Documentation of interaction between the School Board and IC3S at School Board Meetings including contract amendment and approval by the Board

■ Providing and signing contract that was approved at the September School Board Meeting

■ Following Fee Schedule as outlined in contract

■ Receiving Deliverables from contractor at completion of "Scope of Work"

■ Ensure terms and expectations of the contract are being met, inform IC3S of concerns if terms and expectation are not being met.

PROJECT MANAGERS: Independent Citizens for Sustainable School Solutions (IC3S)

The responsibilities of the Project Manager :

  • Overseeing Scope of Work and timeline
  • Interacting with Rob Saxton to facilitate completing the Scope of Work
  • Assisting Rob Saxton in coordinating community meetings
  • Passing on periodic progress updates written by Rob Saxton to the school board and district administration.
  • Providing clear and consistent communication with Board, District and Community throughout the process
  • IC3S will follow open public meeting laws


■ Oversee the process and delegated roles of Contract Manager and Project Manager

■ Receive deliverables from IC3S and Rob Saxton

■ Ensure process is following Board, District and State Policies


■ Will perform tasks and duties as described in Contract and Statement of Work

■ Will report to IC3S with progress

■ Will complete and deliver the report to IC3S and the District no later than 2-15-2019

C. Reporting Requirements. IC3S is responsible for passing on periodic progress updates written by Rob Saxton to the school board and district administration on the scope of work Rob Saxton is performing now through February. IC3S is agreeing to post public meeting notices and meeting minutes according to public meeting law. Rob Saxton is responsible for collecting the information and delivering a report to IC3S, the District, the Board and ultimately in public meeting.

D. Timeframe. This MOU will commence on October 14, 2018 and end on February 15, 2019 or, upon the completion of the above mentioned Statement of Work and associated Contract.

This Memorandum of Understanding is the complete understanding and agreement of the Roles and Responsibilities between Corbett School District and Independant Citizens for Sustainable School Solutions and may be amended only by written agreement and signed by each of the parties involved.


Chair _________________________ _________________________

Signature & Date Printed name


Chair _________________________ _________________________

Signature & Date Printed name


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Signature & Date Printed name