IC3S anticipates the School Board and District will move forward on the following items discussed at the November & December Board meetings:

        • proposed plans to move students and staff out of the current middle school building by the start of the 2020-2021 school year

        • completion of the public charter school contract

        • potential formation of the Strategic Planning Committee

        • continued progress of the programmatic changes with decreased AP requirements and increased CTE program development.

IC3S will continue to stay involved in School Board meetings, discussions and community conversations. As information becomes available about the anticipated topics stated above, we will post updates. As always, if you have questions, comments or concerns - please reach out to us via email at ic3sfeedback@gmail.com.

Thank you & Here's to the New Year!

2019 - 2020 Problem Statement:

We accomplished the goal of collecting quantitative and objective data with Rob Saxton’s report and analysis, along with his thoughtful qualitative data collection and evaluation. The question of what financially solvent and sustainable options exist for Corbett School District and Corbett Community for short term building needs, and long term district planning, is still a relevant question. Now we have information and new state funding available to the Corbett School District to inform decisions going forward.

The question that is now guiding our work is:

How can we support ongoing planning and decision making with the School Board, District Leadership and Corbett Community in a transparent, informed, inclusive and methodical ways, while also addressing the pressing needs for school structures, maintenance and safe learning environments for students and staff in the near term?

IC3S Letter to the Board

IC3S Public Post: Why Vote Yes?

November 3, 2020 Election Results for Multnomah County Local Measures
