How we got to this point

We have arrived at this moment after almost a year of work on this matter. This iteration of the bond measure effort started with the Board sanctioned Corbett Schools Community Group (CSCG) in November 2017. Which coalesced around the effort of writing a bond measure that the community would be willing to support. After months of committee meetings, figuring of numbers, research, conversations with a wide swath of community members and ongoing communications with Dr. Trani - CSCG came to the conclusion this past June there were fundamental questions of the numbers that need additional answers in order to write a suitable scope for a bond.

Furthermore, we recognized these numbers needed to come from objective sources beyond the Corbett School District. Thus, CSCG recommended at the June 2018 Board meeting that the Board hold off on a November bond measure and consider the proposal of hiring an independent consultant. This consultant would assist a community committee in the objective collection and synthesis of data as it pertains to the current operating budget of CSD. This process would need to identify those revenue streams that are available and those that could be available upon using different scenarios in the identification of a "range of options" for various student population sizes of CSD. After delivering this recommendation, CSCG permanently adjourned because their mission statement was no longer applicable.

In July 2018, this current group (IC3S) evolved from the incipient work of CSCG - with three of us carrying over and two community members joining us who hadn’t been involved previously. At the July Board meeting, we presented a proposed scope of work and recommended consultant, Rob Saxton. The Board requested Mr. Saxton write his contract with the School District making sure it was in compliance with District, Board and State Policy. Since the July Board meeting, we have been configuring our options and engaging in dialogue with administration, staff, board members and community members. As a committee we have made it clear our request is to function as an independent citizens committee and serve as the District’s Project Managers for all matters concerning this scope of work, indicating that Mr. Saxton will report to us and provide updates to the Board throughout this research process.

At the September School Board meeting, the Board voted in favor of hiring Rob Saxton with the proposed contract and statement of work. Furthermore, it was agreed upon that IC3S would serve as the voluntary and independent Project Managers, and the District as the Contract Managers. It was a 6 to 1 vote in favor of the proposed action item. You can read more about the roles and responsibilities agreed upon at the September 2018 meeting, as well as the contract and statement of work. School Board meeting notes and the opening statement from IC3S are available on the updates page.

Group Members

Mikaila Way (Chair) : Has lived in Corbett for the past 5 years, and grew up in a small town of Colorado. She supports families in the area with child care, and is a volunteer at the Springdale Children's Garden. She's been aware of the on-going struggle around the question of a facilities bond. Mikaila got involved to help facilitate the process in order to address the community and school needs in the near term and future planning.

Jeff Aho : Grew up and lives in Corbett. Currently has four kids in the Corbett School District, and is a former school board member. What is important to Jeff is a vision for future financial sustainability and a community that understands, believes in and encourages this vision as we walk the journey of education with our kids.

Brad Garrett: Has lived in Corbett for 23 years. He's been involved in the Booster Club, and has served on the budget committee for the last 16 years and continues to do so. Brad wants to make sure we keep having a school in Corbett, and believes it will be helpful to have a perspective from outside to bring information to the conversation about how Corbett can control enrollment numbers and be financially sustained in the long term.

Andrew Kurkinen : (was part of the group July 2018 - March 2019, not currently part of the group. Had to step back for family and work responsibilities) Grew up and lives in Corbett. Currently has two kids in the Corbett School District, and is a former school teacher at Corbett and Boise Elliot. Currently, he is a small business owner. What's important to Andrew in this process is getting to the bottom of the numbers in a methodical and transparent way, and engaging the community in the process.

Cless Woodward: (was founding member of the group in June 2018, now currently serving on the school board and no longer a group member of IC3S.) Has lived in Corbett for 9 years, and grew up in a small community on the coast. His kids both went through Corbett schools, graduated recently and are now in college. He's the former Booster Club President and currently a vice president of a construction company. Cless would like to see the number questions answered with independent information, and wants to understand the vision of the community as expressed through this process.

Committee Core Values & Commitments

  • Honest & transparent communications
  • Integrity in the process and methodology of research
  • Staying open minded about the outcomes and potential solutions, setting aside personal biases and opinions for group discussion and work
  • Committed to the process
  • (This was followed during the time of the Rob Saxon review Sept 2018 - March 2019) As of the District signing of this contract with Rob Saxton, our committee will follow public meeting laws.
        • Meaning we will:
              • Post meeting notices 24 hours in advance with stated intentions of what will be discussed
              • Meetings will be open to the public
              • Notes from the meeting will be posted afterwards with who attended, general discussion and any votes recorded
              • Updates during this process will be shared with the public via this website, the District Clerk, Board membership and Superintendent

Independent committee

IC3S is decidedly not a committee of the Corbett School Board contrary to what was stated in the most recent 4.2 Action Item of the October Board meeting agenda. We were not appointed by the Board, nor will we be making recommendations to the Board. The District has hired Rob Saxton to make recommendations to the Board. IC3S is an independent citizens group who the Board agreed will be the Project Managers of this scope of work performed by Rob Saxton. The Board voted in favor of this contract, scope of work and arrangement with full knowledge that IC3S is an independent citizens committee and not a committee of the Board. Although we are not a committee of the board, our plans moving forward are to follow public meeting laws as a standard.