Vision & Values Committee

Corbett School District Vision and Values Committee Application

The District and School Board are taking moving forward with assembling a Vision and Values committee based on one of the recommendations from the Rob Saxton report.

In the report, Rob Saxton states:

To begin the work of a full school community commitment to Corbett schools, it will take a common vision and agreement on District values. This will be a foundational development of the covenant between the schools and community. A target date for achieving the vision and values should be out into the future. I recommend 2025 as a target.

The process will need to be facilitated by an experienced outside consultant (not me) in visioning processes. Input will need to include the entire Corbett school community at various points in the process. An oversight committee will need to guide the process and serve to put together a Vision and Values document. The composition of this roughly 20 person committee will need to be carefully crafted. The entire Corbett school community will need to feel they have adequate representation on the committee. I would recommend a combination of School Board Members (3), the Superintendent (1)


The Visions and Values committee will serve as an Advisory Committee to the Corbett School Board. This committee will be a balanced and representative body of the broad school community. The Board may also elect to hire an outside consultant to facilitate and guide committee meetings. Input will include the entire Corbett school community at various points in the process. This advisory committee will guide the process and serve to put together a Vision and Values document. This document will be presented to the Board for consideration and potential adoption. Prior to adoption by the board, broad community support will need to be evident. Periodic reports and surveys will be conducted to involve the broader community in the process. Ultimately, the Board has the authority to modify committee recommendations if deemed appropriate.

Individuals selected to serve on the committee will likely meet 2 times per month until the process is complete, with a likely break during the summer. The committee will have flexibility in deciding how often they convene. The initial organizational meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 30 at 6:00 pm. Future meeting dates and times will be addressed at this first meeting in April.

If selected to serve on the Vision and Values Advisory Committee applicants will be expected to:

  • Treat all members of the committee with respect.
  • Listen intently to all members of the committee and communicate openly and honestly with each other through the process.
  • Accept, and advocate for the will of the committee, when it arrives at a 90% consensus rating.
  • Maintain a level of confidentiality regarding the work of the committee which includes refraining from posting on social media regarding the committee's work or broadcasting the committee's work outside of communication channels established by the committee.
  • Recognize the role of the representative body requires engagement and listening to community members and being willing to bring questions, concerns and ideas to the table.
  • Acknowledge differing perspectives and opinions with decency and work towards finding common ground.
  • This process will need to move along at a steady pace, participants will need to commit to keeping up with content and attending the meetings with few to no absences.
  • Commit to attending the committee meetings and investing the time into the process in order to be informed and knowledgeable about the district operations and interactions with numerous agencies, communities, both in Corbett, outside of Corbett, and across the country.

Individuals selected to serve on the committee will be notified by Friday, April 24.

Thank you for wanting to participate in this visioning process and be a representative for the community