Heat by Heat Results - October 1982

A controversial start and a disappointing end saw the Dukes suffer yet another home defeat, this time to Coventry. The flash-point came in heat 1 when Olsen refused to line-up for the start, claiming he had won the toss and chosen gates 1 and 3. Carter and the Clerk of the Course thought otherwise, and both Olsen and Hawkins were eventually excluded for failing to come to the tapes, and had to physically be removed from the track. When neither reserve came onto track, the Dukes romped to a 5-0. Sadly, it went downhill from there, with the Dukes having no answer to the Bees who won 8 of the remaining 12 heats. Olsson, ominously, failed to score for the Dukes.

After the defeat by the Bees, promoter Boothroyd insisted enough was enough, and that riders were now fighting for team places for 1983. The message appeared to get through, as Halifax destroyed a one-man Eagles side in their final home league match of the season. Ex-World number 2 Gordon Kennett scored over half his team's points and was the only rider to defeat Louis or Cartwright. Carter went through he card, and there were improved shows from Wyer, Olsson, Baker and Ashton - but the opposition was so poor it was hard to read too much into the result.

The following Saturday, 16th October, was BLRC night at Belle Vue - and Kenny Carter retained the title he had won the year before with a perfect 15 point maximum!

The Dukes defeated Belle Vue in a challenge match, with maximums from Carter, who paraded his BLRC trophy beforehand, and Louis. Halifax fell behind early on due to a series of engine failures and falls, but edged back into the lead courtesy of Ashton and Baker in heat 8. Olsson crashed awkwardly in heat 1, and pulled out of the meeting after his second outing. For the Aces, Chris Morton was the most likely to do damage, and he escaped injury in heat 12 after crashing with Doug Wyer whose chain broke.

This may have seemed like end of season fair, but the challenge match featuring Carter and Cartwright select teams, produced some highlights and lowlights. Carter took a fifth of a second off The Shay track record in heat one, and there was an impressive home debut by Italian Gianni Famari, recommended to the Dukes by Carter, who won both his programmed rides at a distance. The downside was a nasty crash involving John Louis and Mark Courtney in heat 13. Courtney was excluded for bringing Louis down on the 3rd bend, but Louis was taken to hospital with a broken left arm and cuts to his left hand.

The Dukes final league match of the season resulted in the predictable defeat at Ipswich, although the result was closer than might have been expected courtesy of 16 points from Carter. Both sides promoted juniors to cover absent heat-leaders, and the Dukes also used rider replacement for Cartwright who was unavailable. Carter aside, Halifax offered little, although Martin Dixon battled hard for paid 9 points. Ipswich were too strong, as they won with ease and finished the season by claiming 3rd in the table.

The traditional end of season meeting at The Shay saw Halifax defeat Newcastle, Sheffield and a "Dukes" side in the Northern Fours. Carter inevitably scored a maximum, but was ably supported by Baker, Olsson and Ashton. Belle Vue were unable to participate due to the Knockout Cup final, so a Dukes team comprising Wyer, Cartwright, Tate and Eric Monaghan provided the main opposition. Newcastle and Sheffield provided limited resistance, although Newcastle "guest" and ex-Duke Steve Finch showed a liking for The Shay track with a fighting seven points. The fixture would turn out to be Ian Cartwright's final meeting.

Notes: Yellow box/number indicates home match/programme number. Score highlighted in Gold indicates full maximum. Score highlighted in Silver indicates a paid maximum.