Photos 1965

The very first Halifax Dukes at practice day, early 1965.  L-R Eric Boocock, Bert Kingston, Ray Day, Bob Jameson, Reg Fearman (promoter/team manager), Dave Younghusband, Bryan Elliott, with skipper Eric Boothroyd on bike.  Despite this photo, this particular 1-7 would never take to the track as a team!

In the Belle Vue pits ahead of the first match 10.4.1965, Back row L-R Hitch, Younghusband, Fearman, Boocock, Day, Kingston. Front row L-R Boothroyd & Elliott.

17th April 1965 - the Dukes take to the track for the first time - Eric Boocock and Reg Fearman lead Halifax to the parade, with Long Eaton's Ray Cresp heading the visitors.  The Archers would spoil the party...

Opening night glamour ahead of the Long Eaton clash 17.4.1965 - Pat Phoenix from Coronation Street performs the grand opening with Reg Fearman.  Ray Day, Clive Hitch, Eric Boothroyd, Bert Kingston and Bob Jameson look on.

Clive Hitch - a Duke for the first half of the 1965 season - but was released after 18 matches, after averaging 3.75.

Hitch and Eric Boothroyd getting ready for action.

Bob Jameson & Eric Boocock 1965.

Eric Boocock lead Gerry Jackson of the Hawks, Hackney away 21.5.1965.

On parade at The Shay 10.7.1965 ahead of the record victory over Cradley Heath.

The 1965 Halifax Dukes (possibly at Long Eaton 6.7.1965) - Back Row L-R Bert Kingston, Tommy Roper, Eric Boocock, Dave Younghusband.  Front Row L-R Dennis Gavros, Bryan Elliott, Eric Boothroyd.

Eric Boocock and Dennis Gavros lead the way in away challenge match action v Fife Lions at Cowdenbeath 19.5.1965.

Dave Younghusband in away action 1965.

Clive Hitch, early 1965.

Aussie number 8 Bob Jameson.

Local lad Ray Day.

The Dukes' second heat-leader for 1965 Dave Younghusband.

Bryan Elliott on parade at West Ham, 1965.

Dukes' Number One for 1965 Eric Boocock.

Bryan Elliott and Clive Hitch in the Shay pits ahead of the match with Coventry 1.5.1965.

Elliott and Boocock on parade.

Dave Younghusband getting ready for action.

Clive Hitch in away action.

Bob Jameson and Dave Younghusband make last minute preparations.

Boocock, Elliott and Younghusband on parade.

In the Halifax pits - Elliott, Day and Boothroyd.

Dennis Gavros on parade ahead of the clash with West Ham.

Bert Kingston 1965.

The Halifax Dukes for the second half of 1965 - L-R Elliott, Gavros, Kingston, Fearman, Younghusband, Roper, Boocock, with Boothroyd on bike.

Eric Boocock in discussion with Newcastle's Brian Craven, 1965.

Eric Boocock finished 3rd in the Northern Star meeting at Newcastle - alongside winner Ivan Mauger and Charlie Monk.

Top scorer for 1965 Eric Boocock, courtesy of Speedway Star.