Photos 1966

The 1966 Halifax Dukes - Back Row L-R:  Younghusband, Kentwell, Fearman, Jameson, Kingston. Front Row L-R: Gavros, Roper, Boothroyd, Boocock.

Skipper Boothroyd in away action.

Scraping the boards at The Shay - Dave Younghusband takes the long way round!

Eric Boocock in pursuit of Belle Vue's Cyril Maidment.

Was he the difference maker?  The 4th heat leader for 1966, Tommy Roper.

Eric Boothroyd and the Dukes get ready for action.

Home action at The Shay against the old foe Belle Vue Aces.

Reg Fearman and the Dukes share a light-hearted moment, 1966.

Dave Younghusband on parade at The Shay.

Eric Boocock and Newcastle star Ivan Mauger, 1966.

Boocock leading the Aces.

The 1966 Dukes on parade at The Shay - L-R: Roper, Younghusband, Kentwell, Gavros, Fearman, Jameson, Kingston, Boocock, Boothroyd on bike.

The Aussie Dukes for 1966 - Greg Kentwell, Dennis Gavros and Bert Kingston

The Boocock brothers getting ready for battle.

Dave Younghusband on the back cover of Speedway Star and News.

Maury Robinson got his chance at the end of the 1966 season.

Bob Jameson and Eric Boocock on parade.

Dave Younghusband in away action, 1966.

1966 League and Cup-Double Winners!

The Knock-out Cup is secured at Wimbledon 17th October 1966.

Reg Fearman with the Knock-out Cup.

Skipper Eric Boothroyd with Reg Fearman and the cup.

The Dukes get their hands on the silverware, Wimbledon October 1966.

Halifax Dukes - 1966 Double Winners!