Photos 1968

The 1968 Halifax Dukes. L-R: Sharpe, Jay, Jameson, Boothroyd (on bike), Younghusband, Kentwell and Boocock.

Les Sharpe and Eric Boothroyd 1968.

Eric Boocock 1968.

Dennis Gavros 1968.

Dave Younghusband 1968.

The Dukes in away action at Swindon.

Eric Boocock away from home 1968.

Greg Kentwell 1968.

Les Sharpe 1968.

Alan Jay 1968.

Dave Younghusband in action for the Dukes 1968.

The 1968 Dairy Festival - winner Dave Younghusband alongside Newcastle stars Ole Olsen and Ivan Mauger.

Getting ready to push off to the startline - 1968 v Belle Vue.

Eric Boocock talks to Soren Sjosten of Belle Vue, 1968.

The 1968 Halifax Dukes squad.

Cheetahs v Dukes - Halifax do battle at Oxford.

Skipper Eric Boothroyd, in what would be his last season as a Dukes rider, 1968.

Maury Robinson.

Bob Jameson 1968.

Eric Boocock and Dave Younghusband get the car unloaded, West Ham 1968.

Getting ready for action against Exeter at The Shay 1968.

August 1968 - action from The Shay as Eric Boothroyd chases Poole's Pander and Fossengen.

Startline action from The Shay, 1968.

Les Sharpe having some startline problems.

1968 first bend action against Glasgow Tigers.

Eric Boocock in the Sheffield pits, 1968.

Greg Kentwell, Sheffield pits 1968.

Still the Number 1 Duke - Eric Boocock on the pages of Speedway Star.

Thanks for everything Eric - Boothroyd bows out, 1968.