A charity event
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Articles wanted
A charity event to remember
What is the most unusual way you've raised money for charity? How did you do it? What did you have to do? Was the event a success? Would you do it again?
Write us an article answering these questions.
We will publish the best articles on our website.
Write your article in 140-190 words in an appropriate style.
A charity event to remember
So why did I decide to do a 90-km walk in six days along the Great Wall of China? Well, the reason was that our local children's hospital needed to raise money or it would be close. However, I didn't realise how big a challenge it would be.
Before I went, I thought that I would be walking along a flat surface but when I saw the Great Wall, my heart sank. Part of the time we would be trekking up hundreds of high steps and, worryingly, some of the paths had steep falls on either side and there was nowhere to go because we were surrounded by mountains and forests. However, after a while, I started to love the experience. I was in one of the most amazing places on earth and the views were incredible.
In the end, the adventure was a great success. The hospital was delighted because a group of us managed to raise several thousand pounds.
Would I be keen to help the hospital again next year? Yes, but I think I'll try and find an easier challenge next time!