Physical Education

Physical Education should be taught in schools.

Physical Education has been a part of the school curriculum for years, and I believe that it should remain so for a variety of reasons.

In the first place, offering Physical Education is vital for children who have neither the time, nor the opportunity to do sport elsewhere. Physical Education is especially beneficial for children living in crowded cities who do not have space to play. Doing sport at school gives them the opportunity to exercise and get rid of their excess energy.

In addition, team sports develop children’s social skills encouraging them to work as part of a team and to cooperate with others. In this way they become more sociable and ready for the future.

On the other hand, some parents feel that Physical Education should not be a compulsory subject as not all children enjoy or are good at sport. These parents forget, however, that all children can benefit from physical activities and doing sport will give them the chance to improve their skills and their health.

In conclusion, I believe that Physical Education is an important part of every school curriculum since physical activity helps children to keep fit and stay energetic and alert.