Who is Bruno?

A 24 year old entrepreneur, creator, designer, investor & motivational speaker.

Born in Lima, Peru. When he turned 4, his parents took a chance & moved to the U.S. Their first stop was Orange County, NY.

The cost of living was expensive and they quickly realized how much sacrifice was required to survive in America.

Over the years, Bruno & his siblings were taught to work hard for what they needed & work harder for what was wanted. His parents could not provide, let alone afford to give any handouts. The language barrier & lack of financial literacy made it difficult for them to reach sustainability & growth.

When Bruno turned 18, he began researching articles, videos and talks that would teach the foundation of wealth, where it came from & how to achieve it. As he got older, he implemented those teachings & applied them to every circumstance. Bruno began to value credit, manage his expenses, save money, invest in long term assets & so much more.

He developed a strategy for the ideal living standard & shared it with his parents, in their native language. As a result, their credit grew rapidly, their ideas converted into small businesses & their minds were open to innovation.

Bruno saw the difference that financial literacy made on the lives of his loved ones so I decided to initiate a challenge. Every morning he’d ask myself, “whose struggling today & how can I help?”

In one way or another, financial literacy will resolve their problems, whether that involves our enemies, our families or just ourselves.

Bruno served a 2 year LDS mission in Arcadia, CA, spending most of his time in the heart of East L.A. He was able to see first hand how tough the transition was for foreigners to settle in the U.S, how difficult it truly was to keep up with living expenses & debt without the proper guidance.

At that point he decided, word of mouth was not enough to make a difference. He grew a desire to create a platform for individuals & families where they can reach out online and receive the help they deserved from the comfort of their home. From there on, Cultivated Wealth was born.

They are a consulting firm that specializes in financial services, offering credit repair, budget analysis, debt consolidation, personal/business wealth management & resume building. All of these services & so much more are the building blocks for financial freedom. That was Bruno’s vision for this world, especially for those who work hard with a purpose.

“Life is much more manageable when accompanied by reliable individuals who want you to succeed & are willing to teach you how to get there.”

“I chose this path of service because of the value it brought to my family. I don’t want there to be an excuse for individuals and families to say that they weren’t given a fair chance to identify themselves and fulfill their dreams when that chance is right here.”

He’s a 24-year-old serial entrepreneur with a passion for growth & financial independence.

Bruno has an aspiration to reach his first exit at 25 through the help of small businesses & networking with others. Over the years, he developed skills as a consultant in business, marketing & personal finance. Bruno is well known for a being a content creator who builds and creates websites, logos & video ads for local brands, including his own. He’s also an active investor, looking to get involved in any upcoming projects & ideas. He looks forward to working with motivated individuals & creating profitable opportunities for everyone involved.

Bruno’s vision is to promote financial literacy to communities below the poverty line, encourage financial freedom & help humanity turn attention away from money & prioritize what really matters: our families, our beliefs & our dreams.

Contact Us:

Website: https://www.cultivatedwealth.com/

Profile: https://solo.to/brunogomez

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/imbrunogomez/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/imbrunogomez/