How to attain the Holy Grail of Deep Sleep? 

Do you stay awake for hours struggling to fall asleep every night? Do you spend an hour on your phone every day before going to sleep? These two phenomena may be interconnected. Not only does ‘being available 24/7’ and long hours on digital devices increase blood pressure, blood sugar levels, and cause hypertension, losing sleep also leads to anxiety and depression.  It is no secret that working from home has messed our sleep cycles even more during the pandemic. Again, a sleep-deprived, night-shift employee is more likely to crave pizzas or pastries, high-sugar, processed foods, that are prone to cause more harm. We cannot stress enough the importance of attaining a good night of uninterrupted sleep.

Did you know that your bedding may also be responsible for your lack of sleep? Read on to know some reasons for which you may be unable to sleep and for some tips to fall asleep early.

Keep Electronic Devices Away

Our mothers have been scolding us for decades to keep that phone away. There is some truth in those words. The blue light that is emitted from mobile screens constricts the production of melatonin, one of the hormones that control our sleep cycles. This hormone controls the circadian rhythm, that is why we find it harder to fall asleep after scrolling through our phones at night. Exposure to blue light can also cause damage to our retina. Try to keep your mobile phone away at least an hour before you prepare to go to bed.

Take a Look at your Bedding

It seems unlikely but your bedding plays a huge role in determining how quickly you fall asleep. If you tend to sleep on velvet or lacy bedsheets, it may trap heat and you may be feeling hot. Often, ordinary double cotton bedsheets are colored with industrial dyes and mixed with harmful chemicals. It may cause skin rashes, infections, and even dandruff, if you are prone to rashes, or have sensitive skin. If you have a baby, you must switch toorganic cotton bed sheets. They are made without any artificial processes. Organic bedding helps in falling asleep, as they feel light and airy. They are also skin-friendly, hyper-allergenic, and better for the environment. Don’t we all love to sink in properly made pillowy goodness? Fitted bedsheets, layered with organic cotton bed sheets are nothing but pure luxury.

Find a Comfortable Position

Double cotton bed sheets would obviously help you to fall asleep early, owing to their light feel and goodness. However, you also need a proper pillow and mattress that keeps your spine straight and aligned to the bed. Organic kapok pillows would be a good investment, as they are made naturally from Kapok fibres. The pillows filling is that of Kapok cotton pods, which spreads evenly and helps with chronic body pains. An Ilavam Panju mattress is also made from organic cotton. It derived its name, as the cotton is sourced directly from the southern plains of India, and the mattress is hand-crafted by Kapok workers.

Blanket Battle: Tossing and Turning?

If you tend to toss and turn, struggling to find a comfortable position, you may be feeling too hot or too cold. And, if you live in a cool but humid climate, you probably cover yourself with a bed sheet, while dangling one foot outside. There is another option. You could invest in an organic cotton dohar, that is made from stitching two of the softest muslins, with a layer of organic cotton in between. It will keep you comfortable, neither too stuffy or too cold, helping you to fall asleep faster.

Do not Exercise before Sleep

It may seem that exercising before sleep time would make you feel tired. But, it has the opposite effect. Exercising or running will increase your heart rate and make it more difficult to fall asleep. You might feel sweaty or restless. An excited nervous system needs to calm down and reach its resting state to fall asleep.

Take a Hot Bath

Studies suggest that a drop in body temperature helps people to fall asleep faster. So, does a hot water bath seem contradictory? It is not, for hot water changes your body’s core temperature to make it lower. If you have lavender oils, scented candles, or potpourri, drop them in the bath. It will relax you further.

Heavy meals before Sleep Time is a Big No-No

If you feel hungry before bed, grab a light snack. Greasy foods are harder to digest and might keep you up. The body slows metabolism at night, hence that greasy snack will add to your hips. Eating greasy foods at night may also cause hypertension, increase in blood pressure, and even depression.

A Dark, Cool, and Quiet Room

To fall asleep quicker, eliminate all distractions. Keep your phones, computers, gaming devices away. Some may find it easier to sleep with a dim light, or some may prefer a totally dark room. If your neighbourhood is noisy, consider closing the windows. It will also keep your room colder. A dark, quiet, and cool room is the holy grail of attaining your eight hours of beauty sleep.

Some More Tips

Some may find it easier to fall asleep with white noise. If you are tossing and turning, or you feel too hot, try opening a window. Try to read something, preferably something boring like the history of thermodynamics (we are joking, if you love thermodynamics, read something that you find boring!). Another popular method, counting is usually taught to children, but it may be quite effective for adults as well, ‘One Sheep, Two Sheep, and so on.’

Signing Off

Kapok pillows and Ilavam Panju mattresses not only help you to fall asleep earlier, but it is also filled with goodness straight from nature. It also sustains organic cotton workers, who have been steadily replaced with machines, as industrialization has changes every industry. However, we assure you that the quality of double cotton bed sheets derived organically are far better than ordinary cotton bed sheets. Quality bedding for Quality Sleep!

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