Talking Success! - Harshita Srivastava

It is truly said that nothing succeeds like success and who would be better to vouch for it than an entrepreneur couple who are creating waves in the entertainment industry with their ground breaking concepts and realistic approach.

Auyon Acharya talks to Harshita Srivastava, Co-Founder LPC  Advisors and Priyanshi Films & Entertainment Ltd. to unravel their secret mantra of success.

Priyanshi Films & Entertainment Ltd is an ewproduction house co founded by Harshita and her husband Priyam Srivastava.

The inspiration behind the name comes from their daughter and the apple of their eye, Priyanshi.

What inspired you to start on an entrepreneurial journey?

Being an entrepreneur is more of a syndrome. It is like your blood type, as you known omatter what you cannot do anything about it but to be with it.

When I started my job, I always wanted to try things on a different tangent. Sometimes they worked in my favor and sometimes they did not. But that did not change me from being creative in my job.

The urge to try something different and breakout of defined norms pushed me to become an entrepreneur and co-find my own business acceleration company LPC Advisors Pvt Ltd along with my husband Priyam.

What is the connection you see between the world of software and showbiz?

As a producer now I can totally vouch for the connect. Movie making is an extremely technical job.

The boom in the software industry is extremely proportional to the technical quality of our cinema.  Better software market emergence leads to better VFX, image­ graphing and voice-over and dubbing techniques.

Digital innovation has also made the entire process of movie making extremely easily viz-e-viz to what it was a decade ago.

Digital and technology marketing also garners better revenue for the movies along with helping in business. All in all, it is a big plus.

What was the intent behind starting a production house? What kind of films can we expect from Priyanshi Films and Entertainment in the near future?

I have always been attracted to the craft of bringing cinema to its audience. There is a different magic to see the entire process of how a thought is carried on and being made an emotion and reflecting on the minds of several other people. There is this whole telepathic harmony to it. That feeling was my main intention to starting a production house.

As an individual, I have never really liked the distinguishing of parallel cinema and main stream cinema. All that we should look for is a good narrative. We are planning to break that line widening the two and make something which is a mix of both, world-class content with a crafted and layered story and approach.

What does it take to succeed as an entrepreneur? Any advice that you would like to give some of our readers who are budding entrepreneurs?

Hard work and patience is the key. No matter how much of a cliché it sounds, these are the only two virtues which will help you to succeed. Your smartness, your strategies, your work everything gets accountable to these two factors. It is always about how much can you push despite patiently waiting for the same thing.

My advice to all the millennial would be to stop believing in short cuts. The ra is no shortcut to success. You have to be patient and let your success brew into those steaming cups of your hard work!

You are a strong believer in empowering women the right way. So are you planning any women empowerment initiatives in the near future?

Women Empowerment is a cause I have been strongly associated with and it has always been something very close to my heart.

I am planning to start a charity along with my husband Priyam for the same.

This charity would be mainly focusing on women and girls who have financial difficulties in pursuing their education and career as education is primal for women actually realizing they have been longs tuck to the clutches of social stigma.

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