Benefits of Kitchen remodel with Volcanobuilders

Renovating your home can not only make it more comfortable to live in, it can also help increase the value of your home. However, certain home improvements will provide a higher ROI (return on investment) than others. For a high ROI, you can’t go wrong with a kitchen remodel. Here are seven major benefits a kitchen renovation will bring to you:

Improve functionality – There are a number of things you can do during a kitchen renovation to improve its overall functionality. For example, adding more cabinets or extending existing cabinets to the ceiling can help provide more storage space. Or, if you want to take it a step further, removing the wall between the kitchen and living space allows you to add more counter space. Simply upgrading a few kitchen appliances or lighting fixtures can make your kitchen more functional.

Reduce energy costs – Reduce energy usage in your kitchen by upgrading old kitchen appliances to more energy-efficient models. Look for refrigerators and dishwashers with the Energy Star label, which indicates that they meet or exceed energy efficiency standards set by the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency). Replacing traditional lighting fixtures with LED models is also a great way to reduce long-term energy consumption.

Improve sustainability – Upgrading kitchen appliances to more energy-efficient models will help make your kitchen greener, but it’s not the only way to create a more sustainable kitchen environment. Install low-flow faucets to reduce water usage, and consider using sustainable materials such as bamboo, reclaimed wood, or recycled materials for countertops, cabinets, and floors.

Update the Look – If your kitchen’s visual design is stuck in the 1970s or 1980s, it may be in need of a visual update. You can change the entire look of your kitchen simply by repainting your walls and cabinets, and upgrading all your cabinet hardware. Of course, you can go the extra mile and install new cabinets, new countertops, and new flooring.

Improve comfort – Kitchen renovations can improve comfort in a number of ways; for example, better ventilation can help reduce odors and heat produced when cooking in the kitchen. Installing a kitchen island that provides seating space is a great way to add an extra dining area to your home. Adding larger windows can help bring in more sunlight.

Improve safety – Upgrade outdated kitchen appliances to avoid injuries caused by improper functionality. You can also implement universal designs, such as installing a wall oven, to help prevent injuries caused by physical overexertion.

Increased Home Value - Depending on the extent of your kitchen renovation, you can recoup up to 70% of your kitchen renovation costs. Not to mention, if you're looking to sell, a newly renovated kitchen often attracts home buyers.

For the best kitchen renovations in Washington, contact Volcano Builders at 206-666-0412 Or visit :