Echeveria Care Guide with The Next Gardener

Echeveria is a slow-growing, drought-tolerant succulent that rarely exceeds a foot in height or diameter. Echeveria is a member of the Crassulaceae family and is native to Central America, Mexico, and northwestern South America where they thrive in full sun and desert conditions.

Caring for Echeveria plants is the most challenging part: watering. This is because improper watering often leads to various diseases in succulents: fungus, melt, rot.

If you grow Echeveria and have been struggling with watering, you are in the right place. By the end of this blog post, you should be able to water your plants with confidence, even if you are a beginner.

How to Water Echeveria

In Echeveria care, watering is perhaps the most challenging task a gardener has to deal with. Keep in mind that, as with other succulents, overwatering may kill Echeveria. In fact, keeping Echeveria underwater is much better than overwatering. Mistake a little overwatering and you could be left with dead plants to deal with.

Best Rule for Watering Echeveria

So, what are the rules for watering Echeveria? In general, make sure the soil is completely dry before watering. This method is called the “Soak and Dry” method. By thoroughly moist the soil, the roots of Echeveria succulents absorb moisture completely. Utilize well-draining succulent potting soil and pots with drainage holes to allow excess water to escape, preventing Echeverias from sitting in damp soil for prolonged periods that could lead to root rot.

Another watering approach for Echeveria involves bottom watering. Place the succulent in a container filled with water, ensuring the water level doesn't surpass the Echeveria succulents, for a span of 10 to 30 minutes. Check the topsoil's moisture level by gently probing with your fingers. Once the topsoil is moistened, remove the Echeveria from the water and place it in a well-ventilated area for maintenance.

Various methods exist to assess soil dryness, with the simplest being the tactile approach. Gently insert your fingertip into the soil to ascertain its moisture content.

How Often to Water Echeveria

It's nearly impossible to tell how many days should go between watering, since different regions experience different climatic conditions that affect how quickly the soil loses moisture.

Like many succulents, Eheverias are summer growing. However, summer growth doesn't necessarily equate to frequent watering during the summer months.

The primary rationale behind this lies in the fact that summer weather is often sultry, making it challenging to provide succulents with adequately ventilated yet shaded environments, particularly for indoor gardeners.

Hence, we generally advise against frequent watering of succulents in the summertime. Watering once every two weeks to a month should suffice. During spring and autumn, you might consider slightly elevating the watering frequency, perhaps to around once a week. However, the most accurate approach remains adhering to the “soak and dry” method.

The winter season signals a period of dormancy for Echeveria, where growth almost entirely ceases. Consequently, the necessity for watering diminishes even further. Typically, supplementing moisture once a month should suffice during this period.

Overwatered VS Underwatered

What overwatered and underwatered Echeverias look like? When you observe Echeveria leaves turning translucent, wilting, or even succumbing to blackened decay, these may be indicative of an issue tied to overwatering. In such instances, salvaging the situation can involve the propagation of Echeveria from healthy leaves. Preserving those untouched leaves becomes pivotal in resuscitating the botanical vitality.

Conversely, signs of underwatering in Echeveria often manifest through a distinct array of symptoms. Leaves take on a wilted, crinkled appearance, often accompanied by the emergence of aerial roots along the stems. This ensemble of signals serves as an entreaty from the succulent, an earnest beckoning for the essential sustenance it seeks.


Echeveria care hinges on mastering watering. Like composing a symphony, each watering note plays a vital role. The "Soak and Dry" method, a mantra, balances root thirst and gardener finesse for thriving Echeverias. This guide leads your Echeveria. With mastery and understanding, each leaf tells of your botanical partnership.

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