Free Proxy List Websites

Proxies provide the ability to route traffic through another server and act as a gateway between your system and the internet. Using free proxies can be an alternative to paid VPNs or proxies. Though the performance may be questionable on random lists, these are three websites where you can analyze, adjust options, and craft a list that works for your needs.

Proxy Scrape –

Proxy Scrape offers HTTP, Socks4, and Socks5 proxies that are updated every 5 minutes with the free service. They offer a premium proxy service to avoid dead proxies in the downloaded list through lists updating every minute. This website also allows scrapping proxy lists as long as you don’t harm their website. They allow you to build a Socks4/5 list based on the country and if you choose HTTP country, anonymity, and SSL. Though the number of proxies available can change with every update, they typically range from 700-1000+ depending on the proxy type.

Geonode –

At the time of posting Geonode has 11,135 free proxies located in 141 countries. On their proxy display, it shows the IP, port, country, protocol, anonymity, ORG & ASN, speed, uptime, response time, Google passed, and latency. Along with the categories displayed above the proxy listing on the left panel of the website also allows you to filter by mentioned categories.

Spys One –

On the provided list, they provide the IP address, proxy type, anonymity level, country, hostname/org, latency, speed, uptime, and the last time updated. The list is not updated in specific time frames but ranges from 1-5 minutes. The largest list you can generate is 500 proxies. In terms of proxy type, it seems they have mostly HTTP and HTTPS options, but they do provide some SOCKS. They offer no method to download the list, but it could be easily scraped.
