Vision Board Review - Throw It Away and Use a Vision Video Instead
Our brains react to what we visualize as if it were happening in real life...
According to Psychology Today:
Creative visualization is a good example of how to use your imagination to help you create whatever you want to happen in your life. The technique has been around for a long time, has been well-researched, and its usefulness has been demonstrated.
Our brains react to what we visualize as if it were happening in real life. From the subconscious mind's perspective, we don't just live once. When we visualize and replay a successful scene from our past or rehearse a perfect performance in the future the subconscious mind reacts as if it were happening right now.
Gregg Braden agrees and adds this:
“To transform reality, we must alter the one thing that is not fixed: the programs themselves. For our universe, these are what we call “beliefs.” So in this way of thinking of things, belief becomes the software that programs a reality.”
The subconscious mind is a programmable “hard drive”. The “programs” of our lives, which are largely stimulus-response behaviors, are downloaded into our subconscious. The subconscious does not rely on the outside world for its “knowing,” and so it can’t differentiate between what is real and what is imagined. The subconscious remembers everything, is absolutely literal (which means there’s no subtlety), and processes only in the present tense. It will look for and guide you to whatever you tell it. So you must be clear and specific in directing your subconscious to help you accomplish your goals. The subconscious mind uses imagination and feeling to communicate; you can practice in your mind without ever doing the actions.
Changing Your Brain's Software
Reprogramming old beliefs eliminates negative patterns. Although you still remember the negative event, the emotional response changes; the attachment you once had is essentially eliminated. When you change your belief you change your response to life and what you believe you can achieve.
Dr. Joe Dispenza, one of the thought leaders on Spiritual growth and Manifestation says:
Visualization is a powerful tool to achieve your goals. Whether it’s used for your spiritual goals, to become wealthy, or simply if you want to pass an exam, Mind Movies is a very effective digital visualization tool that can help you successfully achieve your goals.
Using Visualization to Change Your Finances
You can also use Future Self Vision Videos to manifest wealth. All the famous people of our time once started with an image in their head, their idea of an ideal. They then started to work out the visualization of this idea. By positively conditioning their brains, they had very clear ideas and made good money from them.
Modeling is an important aspect of the manifestation of wealth. You must put yourself in the picture of your Future Self Vision Videos. When you have discovered intrinsic motivation, you can develop a similar motivation for yourself and simply adopt the train of thought of your model. Your behavior will follow to build your path to wealth.
Whatever prosperity you envision, Future Self Vision Videos help you visualize how to achieve goals. Often your own thoughts get in the way of manifesting. Therefore, make concrete what symbolizes prosperity for you. Nothing is compulsory. Everything is allowed because the interpretation of prosperity is different for everyone.
Categories for your Future Self Vision Videos can include:
general health
family life
financial abundance
home / cars
Future Self Vision Videos Change Your Belief:
Reprogramming old beliefs eliminates negative patterns. Although you still remember the negative event, the emotional response changes; the attachment you once had is essentially eliminated. When you change your belief you change your response to life and what you believe you can achieve.
Thought precedes creation; the idea guides energy in the physical world to create certain behaviors. There are three requirements for creative visualization to be fully effective: 1.) the desire to create what you have decided to visualize, 2.) the belief in what you have chosen to attain through your visualization and the certainty that you will attain it, and 3.) the acceptance of having whatever you have visualized as your goal.
Affirm what you create over and over again.
Remember, creative visualization is accomplished in the first person and the present tense---it is happening to you now---so be extremely clear in the way you describe and visualize what you want to happen.
Let Your Future Self Vision Video Change the Future: