Mosquito Control Near Me

I have mosquitoes that ruined a few camping trips and made a beautiful summer night very troublesome to be outdoors. But besides being annoying, I know they are also a danger because they carry diseases.

Although malaria and yellow fever have almost been eliminated in the United States, viral encephalitis remains a threat due to extensive public health efforts. Encephalitis refers to inflammation of the brain, which is caused by a variety of bacterial and viral infections and can be transmitted by mosquitoes. These mosquito vector strains include Eastern Equine, LaCrosse, St. Louis and West Nile. The latter has received the most attention recently. In addition to disease-carrying mosquitoes that pose a threat to humans, they can also cause canine heartworms.

It is important to keep you and your family away from the dangers posed by mosquitoes. You can use many types of mosquito control to protect your family from mosquitoes. Some are more effective than others.

Insect repellent: common mosquito control near me

Insect repellents, including aerosols, creams, sticks, sprays, and liquids, can be used on skin and clothing.

The most effective insect repellent that can be used on bare skin contains DEET. Although these insect repellents cannot kill mosquitoes, they can stop mosquito bites. Depending on the content of DEET in the product, they can be an effective form of mosquito control for 90 minutes to 10 hours.

Products containing Permanone can be used on clothing, shoes, mosquito nets and camping equipment, but never on the skin. Although DEET products can stop mosquito bites, Permanone can kill mosquitoes and ticks. This type of insect repellent usually lasts up to 6 hours. Even after the materials treated with Permanone are cleaned, the chemicals will still remain​​​​

Many people do not like to use DEET and Permanone because they are chemicals. Some mosquito repellents do not contain these harsh chemicals, and usually contain citronella oil. Although they provide some relief, they are not as effective as DEET or Permanone. Others claim that the clothes dryer can be used as a means of mosquito control when tied to clothes.

Always follow the instructions when using insect repellent. They should not be used on your child's hands. Once you return indoors, you should always wash the treated skin with soap and water.

Mosquito Control Near Me by Mosquitobrothers

Eliminating mosquito breeding grounds is one of the best forms of mosquito control, but it can be costly and difficult for ordinary homeowners. Mosquitoes can spread up to several miles, which means the breeding area may be several miles away from the problematic area.

Taking measures as a community is the most effective way to control mosquitoes. Make sure to eliminate stagnant water, from neglected bird pots and swimming pools to clogged rain gutters.

Large areas of stagnant water, such as swamps, ditches and slow-moving streams, require community resources to eliminate.

Mosquito control trap

Some products claim to attract, repel or kill mosquitoes.

Electrocution devices, often called "insect killers," use ultraviolet light as an attractant. These have proven to be very ineffective in controlling mosquitoes. Only a small percentage of the insects caught by these traps are actually mosquitoes. Moths, beetles, and other non-biting and harmless insects are most of the insects caught by these exterminators.

Other devices emit ultrasonic high-frequency sound waves. They claim to repel pests, including mosquitoes. These have proven to be ineffective forms of controlling insects and mosquitoes. Consumer protection agencies cracked down on these companies, which promoted unsubstantiated claims about their devices. However, new companies are always emerging, hoping to sell these ineffective anti-mosquito equipment.

Available mosquito traps have been proven to be very effective in disrupting the mosquito breeding cycle, thereby virtually eliminating the danger and annoyance of mosquitoes in your yard throughout the season without exposing your family to irritating chemicals.

The most effective mosquito trap releases a continuous stream of carbon dioxide, combined with attractants to lure mosquitoes. Once near the trap, the mosquitoes are sucked into a net, where they dehydrate and die. These traps run continuously for best results. Some more advanced models will automatically turn off the power and restart the trap based on 50 degrees (the temperature at which mosquitoes usually start breeding).

Although these mosquito traps cost more than insect repellents, their success in protecting your family from the dangers posed by mosquitoes throughout the season proves to be a positive return on investment.

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