Uncontested Divorce and Divorce Lawyer in NY - BGDivorceLawyersNY

Today, many states allow couples to get a simple, uncontested divorce ny. In fact, this is how most couples get divorced. It's relatively simple and inexpensive, and it protects the dignity and privacy of both parties.

Divorce is expensive no matter what, but if you do need one, an uncontested divorce will save you time, money, and as little heartache as possible. This situation is difficult enough, and you don't have to make the divorce itself more difficult unless it is absolutely necessary.

If there are particularly contentious issues in your marriage that are still to be resolved (such as child custody), then an uncontested divorce may not be the way to go, as you will of course need to make sure that your and your children's rights are covered. In fact, in some states, an uncontested divorce may not even be an option for you if children are involved.

However, if you and your soon-to-be ex-spouse have a better relationship and don't need to remarry at all, and if issues like child custody have been resolved between you, then an uncontested divorce will be easier for everyone. Yes, the divorce process is still painful, but an uncontested divorce also makes the process as easy as possible.

Privacy is also an issue in divorce. Your disclosures to each other don't have to be a matter of public record unless each of you wants to do so in an uncontested divorce. The agreement you make must be publicly documented, but nothing more. By contrast, a contested divorce is likely to have every nuance of the divorce documented, simply because the couple made those things a public record in a big fight. So if you want to protect your privacy, figure out the details of your divorce and simply make the final agreement a public record, not every little discussion you have. It's also easier on your child.

If you don't think you can negotiate an uncontested divorce with your spouse, that's fine. Maybe you can't. However, make sure you and your spouse are aware of the problems that an uncontested divorce can help you avoid. It is likely that simply confronting the differences between a contested and an uncontested divorce will convince a spouse who does not want an uncontested divorce to accept it.

Now, it should be noted that you do not have to agree on the reasons for the divorce to make it uncontested. You can get an uncontested divorce simply by agreeing on the terms of the divorce. So, at first glance, you think you can't handle an uncontested divorce new york, which may be true. However, after a while, after your temper subsides, you may decide that an uncontested divorce is best for you after all. Think about it, consider the financial and child costs, and decide if an uncontested divorce is the best option for you.

For more insight and other information on uncontested divorce, and information to help you decide whether to stay or go, visit our website: https://bgdivorcelawyersny.com/practice/uncontested-divorces-queens/