What is the 550 Spam Error? And How do I fix it?

As its name goes the spam 550 error refers to a condition where the email which you send is not accepted by the recipient’s server. As a default setting, the recipient’s server relays an automatic message to the sender which reads “550: High probability of spam”. This condition is also sometimes called bouncing. Spam filters employ these mechanisms to protect their users from potential hazardous emails which might lead to the foundation of fraud and various other cyber crimes. As daunting as this all sounds, there are tried and tested ways in which you can make sure that your email is not wrongly categorized as spam. That being said, it is almost impossible to run a completely bounceless non-targeted campaign because we don’t have the information about how all the different email servers are configured.

Following is a comprehensive list of causes that may be behind you getting a 550 error:

Here are some common phrases that you can use to identify that you have received a 550 error:

Now that we’ve talked about the potential causes and common phrases associated with 550 Spam errors, let us now look at some ways using which we can minimize the 550 errors from our campaigns.

Sending Limit:

It is a good practice to enforce a daily outgoing limit on your IP addresses. If the number of emails sent per day from a particular domain or IP exceeds the humanely accepted value by various spam filters across the internet then your domain is very vulnerable to being blacklisted. If you are sending too many emails then your activities may be associated with the activities of a spammer by the governing technologies. Many service providers have a very strict limit in this regard and you should always aim to finish your daily campaigns well within that maxima.

Curate your Content:

There is a certain way in which spam emails are created. This is so that the most vulnerable are easily convinced. Over time, spam filters have become accustomed to the kind of language that is used in spam emails. This should be comprehensively understood by every email marketer because one one hand iit means that fewer spam emails enter inboxes giving more room for genuine emails but also any outbound email that matches the language of a spam email will be immediately flagged. This is one of the most common causes behind many 550 errors and it can result in your healthy IP getting blacklisted. There are various words that can trigger a particular spam filter. We highly recommend making sure that these words do not make their way into your email. So, to reduce your 550 Errors, it is important to curate your email content so that it is genuine and void of anything that could trigger spam filters.

DNS Setup:

This is a sure shot way of making sure that everything is perfect for your campaigns from the technical side. The DNS (Domain Name System) basically governs every protocol that exists on the internet. So, to avoid 550 Spam errors, it is highly recommended to build and verify proper security and transactional protocols such as SPF (Sender Policy Framework), DKIM (Domain Keys Identified Mail), DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication Reporting and Conformance) under your DNS.      

Changing Domain

Change the domain name when you read error messages such as “low reputation of sending domain”. Using multiple domains to send emails to different ISPs (G Suite, Outlook, yahoo, etc.) can yield quick results.

Contact us to know more techniques on solving 550 and 553 errors while sending cold emails or doing bulk emailing.