Yakul And The Princess

Yakul And The Princess.mp4

We start this cue with the B Phrase of the Ashitaka Theme, as the Princess talks to Yakul. Next, we see a few establishing shots of the Kodama's in the forest, and the chords of the Kodama Theme play, until we hear the Kodama Theme itself soon after, played by the mandolin. One last statement of the Kodama Theme in harp, marimba and vibraphone follows, until San and Yakul reach the lake in the middle of the forest. During this section, the same chord progression as in A Fine Old Cedar plays, along with the same instrumentation. But soon, a few extras are added to the chords, such as pizzicato violins and the synth harp. As another chord plays, bassoons mark out the bassline at the beginning of the San Theme, showing her good nature. Then, we can see Mononoke walking through the lake and various instruments improvise in the C whole tone scale. Then, a high E augmented chord is played, leading into further improvisation in the C whole tone scale, this time only with low synth harp and timpani. We can see San pulling Ashitaka on the shore, showing, once again, her good heartedness deep down. Because of this, various woodwinds, from high to low, play the first notes of the San Theme. But this is soon cut off by the whole tone scale and augmented chords taking over. Now, San turns to Yakul and the B Phrase of the Ashitaka Theme plays once again, yet now with further augmented chords in the harmony. Eventually, we do a hard cut to the Kodama's and the Kodama Theme is being played by various instruments, followed by further augmented chords and whole tone material. Until a further statement of the Kodama Theme introduces triplets and then, we have a triplet groove for the rest of the cue. Then, a big Cm6 chord emerges, as we see the immense amount of the Kodamas. This chord is played by the celesta, the glockenspiel and the chello. Eventually, we get a major chord arp with the minor 6th added on top, to give the piece a more mysterious and wondrous vibe, ending the cue.