Full Of Hatred

Full Of Hatred.mp4

As the boar falls to the ground, we hear a minor second intervall, suggesting the Boar Tribe Theme. As the village reacts to that, the Village Theme is heard played with piccolos. Following this, Ashitaka falls of Yakul and Ashitaka's Theme is heard in high strings. As the wise woman is seen for the first time, the Village Theme repeats itself twice with clarinet and xylophone. This is followed by none thematic writing.

But as the wise woman approaches the dead boar laying on the ground, paying respect to the poor creature, high strings play an interesting chord progression (A#5 - Asus2 add(b5)) over and over again. As she begins to speak, a variation of the Village Theme in piccolos, decorated with crotales, can be heard. On top of that, as the men of the emishi tribe come into picture, the Emishi Tribe Theme is given for the first time. This theme won't develop much and is being heard quite rarely throughout Ashitaka's journey, rather representing his home and where he comes from. But when the boar itself speaks, the music becomes rather dark stating the Boar Tribe Theme in contrabass decorated with tubular bells and an anvil (Again stating the connection between the demon and irontown). As Nago "rots to death", the orchestra plays a mystical A augmented chord which then resolves to the tonic A# minor as the whole village reacts in disgust ending the cue.