Leave The Same Way

Leave The Same Way.mp4

We start this cue with Ashitaka talking to the citizens of Irontown. Meanwhile, the 5/4 beat of the Irontown Theme can be heard with heavy percussion and the beginning notes of the Ashitaka Theme are being played. Then, staccato trumpets hint at the Eboshi Chords (A#m - G#m6). After that, strings and woodwinds play the Ashitaka Theme and the Demon Theme in a fugal style. Tension is rising, as one of the guards of Lady Eboshi wants to shoot Ashitaka. She does it, and an aleatoric cluster can be heard in an onomatopoeic way, as the bullet flies. Ashitaka has been hit and the music stops for a moment, but nonetheless, he still walks and the Demon Theme, combined with the Ashitaka Theme plays in a rather heroic way.

Then, we can see the women of Irontown looking for Ashitaka. During this scene, the The Women Of Irontown Theme plays with the chords of the Ashitaka Theme underneath. After that, the beat shifts to a 5/4 pulse, representing the Irontown Theme, with percussive anvils. The last two chords of the theme, though, are not C#(b5) - F#, but C#(b5) - D#m, creating a dark harmonic shift, as the women realize that Ashitaka loses blood.

Now, everyone from Irontown is anticipating the coming of Ashitaka. During this, the following chord progression hints at the chords from the Ashitaka Theme, only in a different key (Fm - G# - F#), with the first notes of the Ashitaka Theme in violin. The watchmen of Irontown stop Ashitaka from passing through, and the Irontown Theme plays respectively. Later, the Demon Theme plays in horns, as further watchmen hinder Ashitaka from passing. Ashitaka tries to open the gate and the Demon Theme and the Ashitaka Theme sound, once again, simultaneously. The gate begins to move and a whole tone modulation occurs, from A# minor to C minor. During Ashitaka's impressive feet, the Demon Theme plays respectively, as he can only do such acts because he has a demon inside of him.

The wolf tribe immediately runs towards Princess Mononoke and the beginning of the Wolf Tribe Theme plays, with whole tone scales in harp and vibraphone, representing the side on which the wolfs are on, and that's nature. The pathetic Gonza tries to attack the wolfs, and the Irontown Theme plays, yet in a rather underwhelming way. Ashitaka communicates with the wolfs and the Ashitaka Theme plays respectively in a very calm way. In contrast, a very aggressive musical answer is given, as the wolfs are still angry. Ashitaka speaks to the wolf tribe again, and little fragments of the Ashitaka Theme can be heard in violins and horns. At the end of the phrase, the glockenspiel and the vibraphone play a whole tone scale, ending the cue.