Temporary Field Analysis - Make a gif file


if checked ☑暫態場輸出 ( Output Temp Fields)

if we setup each 20 step output 1 temporary field

Result_Temp_Field_T_p1_0001.csv (step 20,time is 20*dt)

Result_Temp_Field_T_p1_0002.csv (step 40,time is 40*dt)


output condition

for n=1:TotalStep

if(n>=start & n<=End)

if(n/Spare=.....0 , be divided with no reaminder)

output electric/magnetic temporary field




select the menu 【暫態分析(Temp Analysis)】

and then will get the temporary selected file as shown in below figure.

Be attention, first to select a file that you want to analysis


if now select Result_Temp_Field_T_p1_0002.csv

as you push this button, it will backward to Result_Temp_Field_T_p1_0001.csv


if now select Result_Temp_Field_T_p1_0002.csv

as you push this button, it will forward to Result_Temp_Field_T_p1_0003.csv


if now select Result_Temp_Field_T_p1_0002.csv

as you push this button, it will forward to the end of the files, and output the each pictures of the field pattern.

you can customize the figure caption also, like this example, key-in the matlab command into the 【input panel】

title(strcat('步數(Step)=',num2str(n_step),'; 時間(Time)=',num2str(n_step*dt),' 秒 (s)'));

(delay/s) :each picture spare time

(loop delay/s) : as the picture arrive the end, the waiting time to return to first

(loop number) : this gif total loop times.


example for temporary field.

SurfacePattern (Jet)

SurfacePattern (Hot)

SlicePattern (z 1:1:20)
