Simulation Instruction & Flow


★(Result Analysis):

頻譜 (Spectrum) : Analysis the spectrum

場圖(Field Pattern) : Analysis the field pattern。


★讀取專案(Load Project): Load exist project.

★分析結果(Analysis):Analysis the result (Spectrum or Field pattern)

★暫態分析(Temp.Analysis):Analysis the temporary fields.


遠場(FarField):Analysis the far-fields

入射波源(Source):Analysis the incident source

電磁場相減(Subtract Fields):Subtract another steady-state field.

★指令變數(Command Variables):Open the functional file


探測(Probe)E,H,V,I :FonSinEM_ProbeEHVI.txt


集總元件(Lumped elements):FonSinEM_Lumped.txt


★色彩(Color):Customize the color of PML, OB. , Geometries, Poynting Vector, etc.

儲存顏色設定(Save Colors): Save the color to file "MatGuiColor.mat"

載入顏色設定(Load Colors): Load a color setup file "*.mat"


1. Define total x, y, z length that equal to CAD, and then set a appropriate resolution.

2. Import CAD files.

3. Define the material of each CAD.

4. Press【建立網格 Cad to Grids (Create)】button to create simulation grids.

【邊界條件 (Boundary Conditions)】

1. Define the boundary conditions

2. Press the【創建 (Create)】button => Create the total grid size (Include the boundary condition & add space)

【波源與觀測(Wave & Observation.)】

1. Select Incident wave type, mode profile:


To calculate : Radar-Cross-Section, Extinction-Scattering-Absorption

The incident mode profile : plane wave


To calculate :Transmission-Reflection

The incident mode profile : plane wave, Gaussian beam, Customize


Point Source or other shape


Point Source or other shape

2. Define the incident wave direction (Linear Polarization, Elliptical Polarization, Circular Polarization)

3. Define the observation range, (DFT : Discrete Fourier Transform)

【探測與元件(Probe & Lumped)】

1. Select the Probe fields or Lumped element circuits

Probe :

Electric field (E), magnetic field (H), Voltage (V), Current (I)

(Probe fields are using Fast Fourier Transform, FFT)

Lumped element circuit :

voltage source, current source, Resistor, Inductance , Capacitor, Wire, Load Wire (*.stl)

Load Wire (*.stl)
If the layer thickness (ex. FR-4 PCB, copper layer) is much less than resolution delta (dx)
(Structure thickness << dx)
Then use the Load Wire method, can tune the resolution order to get the better structure 

2. Checked out the Probe fields or Lumped elements correct or not.

3. Press 【創建 Create】 button to create Probe & Lumped element

(Even doesn't use probe field or lumped element, also need to press this button to create void grids )

【結構設計 (Geometry Design)】

Checked out the simulation geometries, and then press 【輸出 Output】button to output the geometries files

Data_Materials.csv // (simulation index of structures)

Other simulation files refer to below figures:

【電性材料模型 (E. models)】 Electric Models

【磁性材料模型 (M. models)】Magnetic Models

【頻譜與場 (Spectrum . & Field.)】

Start : Start Wavelength of observation (equal to end frequency)

End : End Wavelength of observation (equal to start frequency)

Center : center wavelength, use for modulate wave, the range between start and end.

Pulse : Input a pulse wave, obtain the scattering/absorption/extinction or transmission/reflection spectrum.

CW : Input a continue wave, obtain the field pattern.

Increment: (means how many numbers of wavelength will do the Fourier transform)

This is use for pulse wave, the increment number mean how much point will observe between the start and end wavelength (frequency) .

If the result of spectrum is analysis in wavelength, then checked the wavelength, if frequency, then checked the frequency.

checked the wavelength= Start + (End - Start)/(increment-1)*x |x=1~(increment-1)

checked the frequency= 1/End + (1/Start - 1/End)/(increment-1)*x |x=1~(increment-1)

【模擬計算 (Calculation)】

【分析結果 (Result Analysis)】

★(Result Analysis):

頻譜 (Spectrum) : Analysis the spectrum

場圖(Field Pattern) : Analysis the field pattern。

【擬合工具(Fitting Tool)】