Nanohole Array Based Plasmonic Sensors


  • Reference paper link:

L. Wu, P. Bai, X. Zhou, and E. P. Li, “Reflection and transmission modes in nanohole-array-based plasmonic sensors,” IEEE Photonics Journal, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 26–33, 2012

FonSinEM Simulation Results.

*Thanks Dorian Herle for providing this tutorial

Add the boundary of the CAD files (FreeCAD)

Define Parameters

1. Selected the simulation dimension.

2. Define total x, y, z length that equal to CAD, and then set a appropriate resolution.

3. Import CAD files.

4. Define the material of each CAD.

5. Press【建立網格 Cad to Grids (Create)】button to create simulation grids.

good resolution > (min lambda & structure size) > 20 * dx (dy, dz),

setup the dielectric constant of metal gold (using Electrical Model 1)

instruction webpage : Electric & Magnetic Models

A. Define the boundary conditions

B. Press the【創建 (Create)】button => Create the total grid size (Include the boundary condition & add space)

The distance between structure interface and PML(boundary) should be least half maximum wavelength (800nm). This is due to because the evanescent field might affect the PML and therefore the observation. If the observation (Transmission/Reflection) position inside the evanescent field range, then might stored the return energy flux and lead to some oscillation spectrum.

Here: Z- and Z+ (Grids) = 100 → Z Length: Z-/+ (Grids) * dx = 500 nm + 500 nm (CAD space) >> 800nm/2

The incident wave is linear polarization in y axis (pis=90) from upper side(theta =180).

Reflection Spectrum observation : + Z direction

Transmission Spectrum observation : - Z direction

instruction webpage: DFT (Observation Range)

None, press 【創建(Create)】 button

Checked out the simulation geometries, and then press 【輸出 Output】button to output the geometries files

Data_Materials.csv // (simulation index of structures)

1. Set the Spectrum Analysis & Wavelength range

2. Check out the source

1. Set the simulation time setp

2. Save parameters

3. Calculation

★(Result Analysis):

頻譜 (Spectrum) : Analysis the spectrum