Geometries Sweep


This function can use for sweep a series geometries size change & parameters.

For example, if there are three different radius size of cylinder 100 nm, 200 nm and 300 nm which shown in below figure

Only need to setup one time, first

There are three different radius of cylinder 100 nm, 200 nm, 300 nm to simulation.

here choice anyone of these to be the "reference file", here select Cylinder_100nm.stl as shown below

Define Parameters and do the setup from Main-Setup to Calculation page

And then select all the sweep files in the Geometries Sweep page.

(1). Select the reference file name, Cylinder_100nm.stl

(2). Add the rest of sweep files. (Cylinder_200nm.stl, Cylinder_300nm.stl)

Then in the list (a) will have three CAD files,(b) are the sweep parameter files,(c) are the output folder name, respectively

(3) After all finish, press the button【建立掃描結構 Create Sweep Geometries】

And then the flow chart shows below figure:

So the first time will import 【cylinder_100nm.stl】 and then read the setup file 【FonSinEM_Repeat_input.txt】, and then save parameters & create geometries in the folder cylinder_100nm

second time, will import 【cylinder_200nm.stl】 and then read the setup file 【FonSinEM_Repeat_input.txt】, and then save parameters & create geometries in the folder cylinder_200nm


(4) Press the button【開始掃描模擬 Start Sweep Simulation】to start calculation, and will run the script that shown in the below figure

In (3) will output FonSinEM_Sweep.bat (windows), (Linux) .

You can edit the script and run it without using the GUI




available setup parameters

re_create_geometry=1; %default = 1 to open the created geometry of CAD in (a), other = off

preview_geometry=1; % default =1 to open the preview figure after created, other = off

The other setup variable parameters are in this file


Example in FonSinEM_Repeat_input.txt setup

% FonSinEM_Repeat_input.txt  


be careful to use the parameters that will change the total simulation grids and may lead to program crushed.

Just like x_grids, x_lengths, dx, Add space grids

Will change the total grids variable --- in red color

Will not change the total grids variable --- in green color

The variable check_* , 1=on, other=off