


1. Define total x, y, z length that equal to CAD, and then set a appropriate resolution.

2. Import CAD files.

3. Define the material of each CAD.

4. Press【建立網格 Cad to Grids (Create)】button to create simulation grids.

Detailed Instructions.

Work flow of import 3D CAD file

example stl file download : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IPFf83QAvlu_OhK9i6xvtsoE_HQmNEvo/view?usp=sharing

1. Designed the CAD (Use the CAD software)

CAD Files to FonSinEM

import the 3D CAD file (STL) into FonSinEM, see the two teachings web-page



2. Add the "Geometries Boundary". In this instruction is using the free cad ware (FreeCAD).

(you can use other commercial software, just like SolidWork, AutoCad, etc.)

To add the boundary is using the function "Create a 2 point rectangle" in FreeCAD

Here define the boundary lengths : X= 37 mm, Y=15 mm, Z=40 mm

3. Export the each material with "Geometries Boundary" to *.stl files.

4. Open the FonSinEM and then import the CAD file. Following the below step of figures to create structure grids.

5. Checked out the grids resolution are enough or not. The resolution require at least delta < lambda/10. (Higher resolution needs longer simulation times and cost larger memory)