Result Analysis


【分析結果 (Result Analysis)】

★(Result Analysis):

頻譜 (Spectrum) : Analysis the spectrum

場圖(Field Pattern) : Analysis the field pattern。


★讀取專案(Load Project): Load exist project.

★分析結果(Analysis):Analysis the result (Spectrum or Field pattern)

★暫態分析(Temp.Analysis):Analysis the temporary fields.


遠場(FarField):Analysis the far-fields

入射波源(Source):Analysis the incident source

電磁場相減(Subtract Fields):Subtract another steady-state field.

★指令變數(Command Variables):Open the functional file


探測(Probe)E,H,V,I :FonSinEM_ProbeEHVI.txt


集總元件(Lumped elements):FonSinEM_Lumped.txt


★色彩(Color):Customize the color of PML, OB. , Geometries, Poynting Vector, etc.

儲存顏色設定(Save Colors): Save the color to file "MatGuiColor.mat"

載入顏色設定(Load Colors): Load a color setup file "*.mat"

Ex,Ey,Ez,Hx,Hy,Hz, For example

E= (Ex^2+Ey^2+Ez^2)^0.5,

H= (Hx^2+Hy^2+Hz^2)^0.5;等

2D ( Field Pattern)


using for define the observation range of geometries, field pattern in 2D or 3D.

the middle number is the matrix step (increment) like this

a =
     1     0     1     0     1     0     1     0     1
for i=1:2:10
b =
     1     0     1     0     1     0     1     0     1

<x>, <y>, <z> have three number, the upper side is n1,n2,n3 for <x>, <y>, <z>, respectively. n1 is the start position, n2 is the increment, n3 is the end position.

3D (Field Pattern)



the delete orange line mean this two won't use this parameters

3D (Field Pattern)


3D (Field Pattern)

切面場x (SlicePattern_x)

切面場y (SlicePattern_y)

切面場z (SlicePattern_z)

切面場xyz (SlicePattern_xyz) :總和

Poynting vector

This is use for plot Poynting vector direction, can plot real part and imaginary part.

儲存(Save):save the parameter setup to file (*.mat)

載入(Load):load the setup file(*.mat)

The default name is MatGuiSetup.mat