7. Feedback Provider

1. Description

The coach supports the students' self-driven development by regularly providing them with feedback.

Based on this objective and constructive feedback, the students can adjust their own personal development and the course of the project when necessary.

2. Required skills and attitudes

  • Able to use the feedback instruments and methods that fit in with the learning content and the intended results.
  • Hold feedback sessions for the students at regular intervals.
  • Be able to report correctly (objectively and constructively) to the students during these feedback sessions.
  • Formulate individualised and team-oriented feedback.

3. Guidelines on how to take on this coaching role

3.1 Being the feedback provider in a PBL-based EPICES project

The PBL-based EPICES projects create an activating learning environment that stimulate the students' self-motivation and self-driven development. Within this framework it is important that the students are given the chance to work on the development, evaluation and adjustment of their knowledge and skills during the course of the project. To ensure the success of the project and the students' development it is vital that the coach provides feedback at regular intervals. In this way, they can adjust their own personal development and the course of the project when and where this proves necessary.

That is why it is important that the coach follows a student's development and the course of the project closely. Based on these observations, he should meet with the students or the group at regular intervals in order to provide them with the required objective and constructive feedback. In this way, the students can adjust their own personal development and the course of the project when and where this proves necessary. By doing this the coach plays an important role as feedback provider in each student's development.

3.2 Points of attention

To make a substantial contribution as a coach to the students' self-motivation and self-driven development, it is important that he provides them with constructive feedback at regular intervals. To ensure this in practice and to carry out the role of feedback provider successfully, he should take the following guidelines into account:

  1. The coach should provide feedback sessions for the individual student and for the group as a whole. The goal is that during the project the students work both on their personal development and on the development of group-oriented skills.
  2. During his feedback sessions the coach should address both the progress of the project and the individual student's development. It is the intention that students can adjust both their learning processes and the course of the project based on this feedback.
  3. To ensure the desired constructive influence of these feedback sessions it is important that the coach always adopts an objective and helpful position with regard to the students. That is why the coach should make sure that his feedback to the students is always constructive and objective and that it is given at regular intervals.

4. Influence on the competences to be developed

This overview outlines how and to which extent this specific coaching role contributes to acquiring the different competences, so that you can adapt your coaching to the competence(s) that has/have to be developed:




5. Influence on divergent educational settings

The role of feedback provider should be stressed in the following divergent situations:

Size of group

  • Not applicable

Level of development