6. Information
1. Research objectives
The existing research on PBL and the role of the coach
Project- and problem-based learning (PBL) are dynamic approaches to teaching that have become a vital part of modern science and engineering education, hence being the educational approach and cornerstone on which our EPICES projects are modelled. During these projects groups of students work on a problem or assignment for a longer period of time, in dialogue with a coach who facilitates the students’ guided-independent learning. Therefore, the correct interpretation of the coaching is crucial for the success of a project.
Research objectives
A way to define the best coaching method for each specific project was needed. Therefore the objective of our research was to develop and implement a 'coaching model' for the PBL-based EPICES projects in our science and engineering education that:
- Provides the coach with the optimal coaching method based on the characteristics of his project.
- Provides the coach with the accompanying guidelines and tips
2. Research results
Framework Coaching Roles
Firstly, a framework was created to collect all the different aspects of coaching into nine ‘coaching roles’. These coaching roles each represent a main didactical aspect of coaching a PBL-based EPICES project. For example: providing the students with feedback → feedback provider, motivating the students and group → motivator,… . Together these roles represent the whole spectrum of coaching tasks during a PBL-based EPICES project.
Each of this coaching roles was then uniformly defined and linked with the skills and attitudes that are needed to fullfil them successfully. All this information was collected in a schematic overview and this ‘framework of coaching roles’ served as the theoretical foundation of our further research.
Coaching Model
The next step in the research process was to collect the necessary data for the development of the coaching model. The central point of these measurements was the relationship between the three key factors of the future coaching model: the coaching roles, the learning objectives and the learning outcome. Based on the 'framework of coaching roles', a survey was conducted (800 students, 50 coaches) to study the role of the coach in PBL. An in-depth statistical analysis of these surveys was done and used to map out the relationship between the three key factors.
These results were then used to develop the proposed coaching model, which helps the coaches with defining the best method for coaching the students in a specific EPICES project, based on the learning objectives of this project.
3. coaching tool
An interactive web application developed to facilitate the use of the coaching model in the educational practice.
This EPICES Coaching Tool helps you with defining the optimal coaching method for your specific EPICES project:
- Provides the coach with the optimal coaching method based on the characteristics of his project.
- Provides the coach with the accompanying guidelines and tips