2. Assessment Tool

Project- and problem-based learning (PBL) are dynamic approaches to teaching that have become a vital part of modern science and engineering education, hence being the educational approach and cornerstone on which our EPICES projects are modelled.

During these projects groups of students work on a problem or assignment for a longer period of time, in dialogue with a coach who facilitates the students’ guided-independent learning. Therefore, the correct interpretation of the assessment is crucial for the success of a project.

The EPICES Assessment Tool helps you:

  • Evaluate the students' learning results.
  • Analyse the acquired skills individually.
  • Analyse the performance of the whole group.

There are two versions of the Assessment Tool:

  • EPICES: Specifically created for the PBL-based EPICES projects with a predefined set of 29 main skills for engineering students.
  • EDITABLE: Generic template with macros that allows you to create your own set of skills adapted to your course and curriculum.

Find out everything you need to know about and download the EPICES Assessment Tool in the following sections: