8. Educator

1. Description

The coach supports the students' self-driven development by making them reflect on their personal development and learning methods.

With the coach's help, the students can then use these reflections to add to and adjust their development and learning methods whenever necessary.

2. Required skills and attitudes

  • Possess the necessary didactic knowledge and skills to coach students' learning processes.
  • Coach students in the development of an academic and scientific attitude.
  • Coach students in reflecting on their development path.
  • Coach students in reflecting on their learning methods.

3. Guidelines on how to take on this coaching role

3.1 Being the educator in a PBL-based EPICES project

The PBL-based EPICES projects create an activating learning environment that stimulates the students' self-driven development. It is important in this framework that students are encouraged to reflect on their development and learning methods. With the coach's help, the students can trace work issues and draw up a work plan in order to make future additions and adjustments to their development and learning methods. By doing this he helps laying the foundations for a life-long self-driven development.

That is why it is important that the coach follows the students' development closely and encourages them to reflect on their personal development and learning methods. With the coach's help, the students can then use these reflections to see how their personal development and learning methods can be added to or adjusted.

3.2 Points of attention

An important condition for ensuring the students' development and the success of the project is that the students are encouraged to reflect on their learning processes and personal development. To ensure this in practice and to carry out the role of educator successfully, the coach has to take the following guidelines into account:

  1. The coach should support the student in reflecting on the further development of his learning methods. It is thus essential that during the learning process the students reflect on how they develop knowledge and skills and on how they can make possible improvements to their way of working.
  2. The coach should support the student in reflecting on the further development of his knowledge and skills methods. It is thus essential that during the learning process the students reflect on what knowledge and skills they have already acquired and on how they could extend and improve them.

4. Influence on the competences to be developed

This overview outlines how and to which extent this specific coaching role contributes to acquiring the different competences, so that you can adapt your coaching to the competence(s) that has/have to be developed:




5. Influence on divergent educational settings

The role of educator should be stressed in the following divergent situations:

Size of group

  • Not applicable

Level of development