2. Authority

1. Description

The coach uses an authoritative approach that is characterised by providing direct instructions and ready-made answers.

The coach should only adopt this role if he is convinced that the students need direct answers and instructions and that only then will they complete the research and learning process successfully.

2. Required skills and attitudes

  • Possess a thorough theoretical and practical knowledge of the learning content and methods in the field of study.
  • Possess the didactic skills to transmit this expert knowledge to the students.
  • Use a direct approach that is characterised by the use of instructions and ready-made answers.

3. Guidelines on how to take on this coaching role

3.1 Position in PBL-based EPICES projects

One of the most important characteristics of a PBL-based EPICES project is that it creates an activating and stimulating learning environment that first and foremost activates the student's own expertise. That is why the role of authority is traditionally not linked with PBL, because the goal is that students complete the task successfully by using their already acquired skills and knowledge and in doing so broaden their skills and knowledge.

Yet there are moments during a project when the coach can and/or must adopt the role of authority. If the coach is convinced that the students need direct information and instructions and that this is the only way to guarantee that the students can continue with success on their own afterwards, he can adopt the role of authority and use his expertise to guide the students directly.

3.2 Points of attention

The frequent adoption of the role of authority is not recommended however and should even be dissuaded, given that it is contrary to one of the most important goals of the educational format of project-based learning: guided self-development.

As a result of the role of authority, students will:

  1. Adopt a dependent position and let themselves be led by their coach's instructions and answers. This is most likely to occur when they experience the coach mainly in the role of expert and knowledge transmitter. The students will then play it safe and follow the instructions given by the coach, whom they know as an expert, so as to obtain the intended result as soon as possible.
  2. Turn against the coach and his advice. They will want to complete the task themselves and will pay no attention to the coach's contributions. The information then provided by the coach will not be heard and a dispute will arise in which each will want to be right, rather than the ideal activating learning environment in which self-development is central.

4. Influence on the competences to be developed

As an educational format, the PBL-based EPICES projects wish first and foremost to activate the student's own expertise, so they can complete the task successfully and in doing so extend their knowledge and skills.

That is why it is recommended to use the role of authority as little as possible!