7. Temporal and social context

1. Description

Science and technology are not isolated and have always had a temporal, social, economic and environmental context.

Views and methods have their origins; decisions have their consequences.

An EPICES student is aware of this and has the competence to integrate these insights into their scientific work.

To achieve this learning goal during an EPICES project a student should:

  • Take account of the temporal context (past-present-future).
  • Take account of the social and ethical context.
  • Take account of the economic context.
  • Take account of the environmental context.
  • Be able to integrate these contexts into a sustainable research, design and implementation process during the project.

2. How to adapt your coaching to develop this competence

This overview shows you which coaching roles contribute to acquiring this specific competence and to which extent,

so that you can adapt your coaching to the competence(s) that has/have to be developed:

Significant influence

Average influence

Insignificant influence