Урок 9 (24.04.2020)

Friday, 24th of April.


Hello, boys&girls! Nice to see you! Let's start our lesson!

Сегодня на уроке мы:

  • изучим новые слова по теме «Праздники в школах России».

  • расширим знания о жизни стран изучаемого языка.

To talk about holidays we need some words.

Изучите новые слова:

party - вечеринка

decorate - украшать

flag - флаг

balloon - воздушный шар

streamer - гирлянда

get ready - приготовиться

tasty treats - лакомство

delicious - вкусный

gift - подарок

Answer the questions.

Попробуйте ответить на вопросы (устно):

1) A long paper decoration with small flags is …

2) A rubber bag filled with air is called …

3) A delicious food is called …

Put the sentences in the correct order and read about a party game.

Откройте тетради, запишите число. Расставьте предложения в правильном порядке, запишите в тетради и узнаете, о какой игре идёт речь.

  • Read the name of the animal and act this animal out.

  • Write the names of various animals on slips of paper.

  • This is a party game called “Animal Charade”.

  • In turns choose a slip.

  • Drop them into a bowl.

  • The other players try to guess what animal it is.

Homework: Прочитайте текст.

We decorated the room with flags from Russia and the UK. We also had lots of other decorations like balloons and streamers. It was so much fun getting ready for the party. Everyone helped us to decorate and choose the music.

The party was lots of fun. We sang songs and played lots of games. We even taught our Russian friends some songs we sing in the UK. Did you know that Russian teenagers like the Beatles as much as we do?

We are eating some of the delicious food that we prepared. We went shopping at a local market and bought lots of tasty treats. Everyone’s favourite was the potato pirozhkis! We can’t wait to make these for our friends back home.

Our friends gave us some beautiful flowers and wonderful gifts to say goodbye. Our time in Russia has been so special. We will never forget how much fun we had and how lucky we were to make lots of new friends. We hope we will be able to come back again one day!

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