Урок 14 (07.05.2020)

Thursday, 7th of May.


Hello, boys&girls! Nice to see you! Let's start our lesson!

Today at the lesson:

  • you will write Reading Comprehension;

  • you will learn to talk about weather.

I. Read the text and mark the statements - True (T), False(F) or Not Stated(NS).

The Egypt pyramid as a symbol.

For years, scientists and explorers have debated over the question: How did the Egyptians build the pyramids?

The pyramid blocks were hewn from quarries using stone and copper tools. The blocks were transported to the pyramid site from remote quarries using barges, and from local quarries using wooden sleds. The Egyptians did not use the wheel during the Pyramid Age, an invention that would have been of limited used on softer ground under heavy loads. The sleds were dragged manually, sometimes with the help of beasts of burden, over smoothed roads. Some of the existing pathways were equipped with transverse wooden beams to lend support to the sled. A lubricant may have been poured upon the road to reduce friction. The Egyptians successfully completed the most massive building projects in all of history. There is nothing magical or supernatural in the means by which they achieved their goals. More than two thousand years later, the Romans would move huge stones, some weighing nearly 1,000 tons, using similar techniques at Baalbek.

Egypt has opened two of its oldest pyramids. The pyramids are in Dahshur, about 40 kilometers south of the Egyptian capital city Cairo. They are now open to the public for the first time since 1965. Hundreds of people gathered outside the Bent Pyramid at a special opening ceremony on Saturday. The Bent Pyramid was built 4,600 years ago. It was built for the ancient Egyptian pharaoh Sneferu. It is 101 meters high. Builders used new techniques to build it and archaeologists say it was an important step in the development of pyramid building. Tourists can also enter an 18-metre high "side pyramid" next to the Bent Pyramid. This was built for King Sneferu's wife Hetepheres.

The two pyramids are part of the Memphis Necropolis, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Egypt hopes the opening of the pyramids will boost the country's tourism industry. Egypt was a top tourist destination but tourist numbers fell after the 2011 uprising. Ancient sites in Egypt are on the bucket lists of many people around the world. At the Bent Pyramid, tourists will be able to go through a 79-meter narrow tunnel to reach two chambers deep inside. They will also be able to see ancient treasures found inside the pyramid. Egyptian archaeologists uncovered a collection of stone, clay and wooden sarcophagi - the coffins people were buried in. Some of the sarcophagi contained mummies.

  1. The Egyptians used the wheel not so often.

  2. The sleds were dragged with the help of beasts of burden.

  3. There were only the stone tools to hew the pyramid blocks.

  4. The Romans moved huge stones the same way.

  5. Egypt has found the oldest pyramid in 1965.

  6. The Bent Pyramid was built using the new cement and bricks.

  7. The smallest of the pyramids is 18 metre high.

  8. The opening of the pyramids boosted the country's tourism industry.


hew - высекать

quarry - карьер

burden - груз

lubricant - смазочное вещество

friction - трение

boost - повышать

chamber - камера

clay - глина

coffin - гроб

  • Do you often speak about the weather?

  • Is it important when you travel?

  • Do you believe weather forecasts?

II. Follow the link and watch the video. Remember some words about the weather.

Check yourselves how do you remember the words related to the theme "Weather". Choose the right translation of the words (ORALLY).

  1. луч a) to howl

  2. ливень b) to pour

  3. бриз c) ray

  4. туманный d) breeze

  5. завывать e)shower

  6. сильный f) hazy

  7. снежинка g) violent

  8. лить


Read the theory box through - ex.1, p.146 (ORALLY) and pay your attention at the plan:



Абзац 1: название/местоположение/причина выбора этого места

Основная часть

Абзацы 2-3: описание, действия, средства


Абзац 4: заключительные комментарии/чувства

Сделай фото своей классной работы и отправь на мою электронную почту eteacherpetuhova@yandex.ru .